2949i O-_�jDIITAITCL ITO. 2949 4 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2942, and for other ,purposes. Whereas, confusion 1:as arisen in connection with the descrip- tion of the real estate involved in, the improvement district de- scribed in Ordinance 2942 and it has been deemed best by those interested in said district to redraft 'petitions and ordinances necessary in the creation of a district to improve tlie property it terded; ITol.; , Therefore; BE IT OaDAIIir;D BY TMEJ CITY COUNCIL OI` 1'i' ,1, CITY CF - :LOC:�: Section 1. That Ordinance Igo. 2942, passed arcl. 16, 1922, be aril t':e same is hereby repealed. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances_ in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect anl be in force from and after its passage. Passed: April 5, 1922. Approved Attest: C.11 t leer . s,l