2955C 4%W''* t,' b ORDIITAITCE ITC. 2955. An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance I o. and 2923, Passed iiarc'.n 13, 1922, and for other purposes. BE IT ORDAIN ED BY TIE!, CITY COUNCIL 0_ ��7 CITY OF LI12_,& ROCK: Section 1. Ordinances Nos. 2922 and 2923, passed i,iarch 13, 1922, be and the Clerk is hereby instructed and there&fter to destroy, signed by either the 1dayor Ordinances 2922 and 2923. same are hereby repealed, anti the City and directed to cancel, by perforation, by burning, all warrants heretofore or City Cleric under authority of said Section 2$. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed., and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. :gassed April 10, 1922. Approve Attest: �v +.. .. /' 4 J. L �� V 1 e r v • '? f