2970RRR .....�.: �-� - z 3 4/27/22 ) 40000,11 /1 P�� 4 cop. ! a i r 7 � ORDINANCE NO. 2970. AN ORDINANCE AIENDING AN ORDINANCE: NO. 2 9 5 4 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATIM THE SUM OF $56,250., OR AS I:T[JCH THE13EC'F A3 TIAY BE PIECESSARY ITC PAY J. L. ARLTTT & CC., FOR THEIR FLES AND a+;XPMSES AS FISCAL 9.G ^-"TS OF THE CITi OF t n ADOPTED AND APPROV L- -. APRIL 10, 1922, AND C ON_r IR i Gl �ock, IACTIuY ALREADY TAKEN UNDER SUCH ORDINANCE AS AIM- ,NDIZ. WEREAS, Ordinance No. 2954 provides for the payment vo of �� 4*1) to J. L. Arlitt for his fees and expenses in securing a loan for the City of Little Rock, in the amount of 41,125,000; and 11 �:1REAS, said J. L. Arlitt has not secured such a loan and no such loan has been authorized, but said Arlitt has secured the extension of the existing debt of the City in the amount stated by the iss_ance of new municipal notes (negotiable warrants) dated T -uarch 25, 1922 and April 1, 1922, j pursuant to Ordinances Taos. 2946 anc 2947, adopted April �i X1922, in exchange for the city warrants maturing on March 25, 11922 and April 1, 1922, in all respects as recited in said Ordinances of April 3; and �r�2S,Q c 4 °dHEREAS, p► 8 ,.6 of notes author- ized by Oruinance3.NcS 2947 have been exchanged as aforesaid and the city's indebtedness extended in the amount of 0 /,/1S_dv0 and 'MREAS, warrants have been issued to said J. L. Arlitt under said Ordinance No. 2954 a `for procuring such extension; in th. e amount of 56, 250 NOW, TH1REF01E, BL IT OI3TAIlUtE b;- the City Go ).ncil of Little Rock, Arkansas, as follows: Section 1. Section 1 on the said Ordinance Z,o .2 adopted April 1( -, 1.922, is hereby amended. to read as follows: "Section 1. The sum of 456,250, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the general revenue fund not otherwise expended for the purpose of paying J. L. Arlitt his fees and expenses incurred for securing an extension of the indebtedness of said city represented by 4-1,125,000 warrants maturing parch 25, 1.922 ano. April 1, 1.922 respectively anc the mayor an& city clerk are hereby directed to draw the city's warrant therefor, payable to the said Arlitt, or such person or persons as said lArlitt may order. Section 2. The action of the mayor and city clerk in securing the extension of the city's debt and in paying the fees and expenses of said J. L. Arlitt in connection therewith is hereby in all respects confirmed. i Passed- 'lay 1, 1922. Attest: City Clerk. -2- Approved: Ilayor.