3007s ORDINANCE !,TO. 3007 P& ORDINAA?CE 'EQUIRIITG THE WIDENING Or SIDE - "u19 PAVE �?TS Ai.Oi G BOTH SIDES OF 4y ST 7TH STREET FROT1 CENTER TO VICTORY, PROVIDING PE -171- , TY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, ND FO_. OTHER PURDOSES. 1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ?:ITT ?*,E SOCK: SECTION 1: The owner or owners of property adjacent and abut- ting upon West 7th Street, between Center and Victory Streets, are hereby required,within a period of sixty days from the passage of this ordinance, to construct sidewalk pavements so that the width shall extend from the property line to the curb line, along the sides of their pro-yaerty abutting upon test 7th Street. SECTION 2: baid sideti:Talks shall comply in each and every way, with the general si der;alk ordinances of the City of little Rock ex -.., ce-ot as to the width thereof and shall be bti?ilt udder the supervision and to the satisfaction of the superintendent of Public Works. SECTION 3: Each person, firm or core oration failing to build 10 said sidewalks rithin the period above named shp,11 be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an.- sam not less than ; 5.00 nor .gore than �25.00 . SECTION 4: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herev -d th are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall tape . effect and be in full force from anal after its passage. P-�.ssed: July 10, 1922. Attest: A_ provea;o Tay or A