3049S ORDINANCE YO. 3049. An Ordinance Laying; Off A- Certain Portion OF THE CITY OF LITTLE I?OCK,ARK,USAS,IITO A LOCAL I1 -TPi0VEME T DISTRICT AIM DICSiGNATING TTHE BOUAS►DARIE'S THEPSOF,:�A.ID DISTRICT TO BE h'I�0'r�PJ ,�i 2TRF.iT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT INTO.. 3 i0 OF THE CITY OF LITTLE POCK, ARKANSAS. Whereas,ten or More owners of real property within the bounds herein mentioned have petitioned the City Council of the City of Little Rock,Arkannas,ta take steps toward the making of local ir,.prorer:,ents therein by curbing, draining and paving in such manner and with sucr,, materio,ls as the commissioners of district shall determine to be fox, the bust interests of the district,all that portion. of Schiller Avenue front the North property line of Fourteenth(14) Street to the South property lire of Twelth(l2) Street: Therefare,be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Little Rock,Arkanaas: Section. 1. That Street Improver -ert District I:o._130_ of the City of Little Rack, Arkansas , be and the swine hereby is tre•,ated,laid out and established for the purpose of curbing,drainir►g and paving, in such manner and with such materials as the commissioners of said district shall determine to be for the bt!ft irterests of the district; Schiller Avern:e from the Iorth property line of Four - tr.enth(14 -) Street to the South property line of Twelth(l2) Strer.,t, in the City of Little Rock,Arkansris,in accordance with an Act to Regulrate the manner of Assessirir real property for local improve- ment in Cities of the first and second cla.ss,approved ivaroh 22nd, 1881,�,nd amendments thereto, Section 2. That the district hereby efeated,laid out and a tab - lishe(� eha.11 include that portion of the City of Little Rock, Arkania.s,ernbraced within_ the boundaries herein described as fel- levre : Lots 1,2.,1,4,5,11,12,13,14 and l; of Aikents Subdivision of Block Sever) (7) of Centennial Addition to the City of Little Re ck, Arkansas. Section 3. That all Ordina.nveB and parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall take effect and be it full force fre i and after its passage And publication; and the City Clerk of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, is hereby ordered within twenty days from the passe e of this Ordinance to publish the carne in same newspaper in the City of Little Rock,Arkansas,for one(l) inoertion, P assed: October 23, 1922. Approved: i At t: Mayor. �`ity Cterk.