30531 N ORDINANCE No. . 3053. AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF A CKETAIN PORTION OF THE CITY OF LITTLE EOCK, ARIaNSAS, INTO A LOCAL IidPi OVEdENT DIST ICT AND DESIGNATING THE BOUNDS THEREOF, SAID DISTRICT TO BE 1210':,11 AS "CURB, CUTTER & STORK SE'NER DISTRICT NO. 331 OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, AR:ANSAS." 4HEREAS, more than ten owners of real property within the bounds herein mentioned have petitioned the City Council of the City of Kittle Rock, Ari�:ansas, to take steps looking totFaard the making of local improve - .-. merits therein by .constructing curds and gutters on eachh. siae of :Laurel Street fro..i ..a. -kham Street to Lee Avenue; and by constructing storm sewers in said district v4here the commissioners (to be hereafter selected) may deem them necessary; the viork to be done of such material as the commissioners may deem best. T_O,+, Ti:E-T:L'EFOr;E, SE IT O.Hi)AINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY G _.1TTL ;OCi�, .L_.!:ANSAS: Section 1. That "Curb, Gutter arid Storm Sewer District No. 331 of the City of yittle -ocy , «rkansas," be and. the same hereby is created, laid out and established for the purpose of constructing curbs and gutters on each si,?e of Laurel Street from 1,1arkham Street to Lee Avenue; and by constructing storm sewers in said district ::'mere J said commissioners shall deem them necessary (the work to be done of such material as the commissioners may deem best), in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of the :state of rr %ansas entitled "An Act To regulate The -2- ..anner of - Issessing Real Property For Local Improvements In ities of 'the First and Second Class," a- ooroved ,.arch 22, 1881, and amendments thereto. Section 2. That the District hereby created, f laid out and established shall include that portion of the j city of "little Rock described as follows, to -wit: Lots fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty -one, twenty -two,. twenty- three, twenty -four, twenty; -five, and twenty- six, in block five, in ulmhurst Addition to the City of Little ioc., Pulaski County, Arkansas; and also lots thirteen,.fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty -one, twenty -two, twenty -three and twenty -four in block.four in Elmhurst Addition to the City of little Rock, Pulaski County, t"rhansas; and also, the east half of lots one, t,,,ro, three, four and five in 1-70-Jao-'a �.' _.: � ivisior_ I- t'-e City of :�yttle Rock, rulaski C unty nrk a ' c s . o ,, , �wn� a.. Liectior_ 3. That all ordinances and parts of kordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby revealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication; and the City Clerk i.s h-ereby ordered within t .enty days from the passage of this ordinance to publish in some news- paper of general circulation in the City of Little Iio�ck, _r.: :anso.s , for ogle insertion. Passed; October 23, 1922. Approved: Attest: Mayor. `ity Clerk.