3096A� �) AA- ORD I? -TILY CE ITO . AN O DIT:ATTCE APPROFRI _.TING TI-T-"- SUT_ OF ;1868.13, FOR WE PU .CHkSE OF OT?E USTITT STTORTEE GF.��ER, __ND FOI: OitiER PURPOSES . BE IT 0 "DAINTED BY ME C IT7_' C OU�TC I'-r OF THIE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: ISECTION 1• That the s-am, of ;:1868 .I'3 , be and the same is hereby, appropri ted out of any money in the genera_ revenue fund not other'ise appropri ted, for the purpose of ?.Ltrchasiu9 one _.ustin = ip -Snorter Grader, with double edger, from the Lu -stirs estern achinery Lompany, and the ._ayor and City CZ.er�z are hereby authorized and directed to drew the pit;.is Tarrant or warrants for the total sum of 41868.13, made pa�'ab7.e to the Austin estern = -achinery Company, and 'with sv ch maturity as they may deem for the best interest of the City. SECTI�?' 2• .i.s ordinance shall take of 'ect and be in full force from and after its ix: ssage. P&ssed$ January 8, 1923. Attested: -pproved: ,,, _a_ -Tor.