3101i .3 'ley 1 \ 00 ORDINANCE :0.3101. AN ORDINANCE LAYING OFF A PORTION OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK ,.ARKANSAS ,I3:dT0 A STREET I12ROVEM7ENT DISTRICT,TO BE KNOWN AS STREET IMTROVE]JENT DISTRICT NO. ,,.. MOREAS, more t'nan ten orniers of real propert,, within that portion of Little Rock,Arkanzas,hereina.fter described, have petitioned the City Council to take steps towards the making of local Lmrpovemerts in the City of Little Rock,Arkan sas,by forming the territory hereinafter described into an improvement district for the purposes hereinafter set out: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Little Rock,Arkane s; Section 1. That Street Improvement District No. 3.39 of the City of Little Rock,Arkansas,be and the same is hereby created and established for the purpoce of making local inprovements therein by grading, draining,curbing and paving in such manner and vrith such materials as t)* cor=issioners of said district shall determine to be for the best interests of the district,Twenty Sixth Street from the West property line of State Street Nest to the West Right -Of -Way lire of the Missouri Pacific Railvray, in_ said City of Little Rock, Arkansas,in accordance with an Act to Regulate the manner of Assessing real property for local imppovement i:d Oities of the first and second class,approved Yarch 22nd,1881,a.nd amendments thereto. Section 2. That the district hereby crea.ted,laid out and established shall includet that portion of the City of Little Rock,Arkansas,em�braced r:ithin the boundaries herein described aw follows: Beginning at point on the Nest line of State Street midday between the south line of 25th Street and the Borth line of 26th Street said point being the middle point of the East line of Block 17 of Kimball =s South Park: Addition to the City of Little Rock,Arka,nsas; thence in a westerly direction, paralelling the Forth line of 26th Street and IL50 feet there- from at all points,to a paint on the West Right -Of -Way line of the Missouri Pacific Railway' ;thence in a southerly direction along said West Right -Of -Way line to a point 150 feet South of the South line of 26th Street projected across said Bight -Of- Wa,y'; thence in an Easterly direction,paralelling the South line of 26th Street and 150 feet distant therefrom,to a, point on the West line of State Street; and thence in a northerly direction along said West line of State Street to the point of beginning. Section 3. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication; and the City 81erk of the City of Little Rock,Arkanaas,is hereby ordered within twenty days from the passage of this Ordinance to publish the same in some newspaper in the City of Little Rock,Arkansas,for one(1) insertion. Passed: JanuaryB, 19`:3. prroved: Attest: 1ayor. Cit `lerk.