3119n ,�-A t` . • AN OiDINANCR ASS uSSINC THE VALWE OF B :N! FIT3 TO B ?'{.0 " >� Vi +aD BY 07-[Nr S ON 1 ACH Off' m� S 1:VE'RAL B.LOCa'S, LOT" AND ?ABC MS OF LAND 'fITHIN STR ,?,T IMP 1OV33MEU i' DISTRICT NO. 3199 OF THS CITY OF LITTL',: ROCK, A.MA M AS . WHEREAS, a Majority in value of the property oarnere owning property adjoining the. locality to be affected and situated within Street Improvement "Nistrict No. 319 of the City of Little Rook, Arkansas, or. ganized for the purpose of making local improve- ments therein: by paving in such manner and with such materials Ws the commissioners of said District shall determine to be for the best interest of the `)istrict on .streets set out in their petition, have petitioned the City Council of U the pock for the construction of said improvements, and that cost thereof shall be assessed upon the real property within said District according. to the benefits received; and, WH tzv'AS, said benefits received by each and every block, lot and taa.rcel of real property situated within sai& Tfistriot equals or exceeds the local assessment thereon; and. WHEMAS, the estimated cost of said improvement is $130200.00; TI&H WIRE IT IS NOIR ORDATIED BY TILL CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF LITT S. ' ?OCK, ARKAN 7AS : Section 1: That the said several blocks, lots and parcels of real property in said "treet Improvement District No, 014 be, and they are hereby as Bossed according to the assessment list for said improvement district a* the same now remains in the office of the City Clark of the City of Little -ock, and as the same may be annually re -a.d jested by the Board of Asuessors, and that ten per centum of said assessment of v-.ue of ben(.)fit3 of 4 '4VM A each of said blocks, lots and parcels of land shall be paid annually on or before the 15th day of April of each year until one hundred par century of said assessment shall have been paid, The first annual payment shall be made on or before the 15th day of April. 1923* Section 2: That all ordin-ances or parts of ordin.an- ces in conflict here =with are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effort from and after its passage. Passed A- May o r ATTEST: 0 -2-