3176a N AS OF BY ( All' ORDIN -! CE NO. 3176. ORDINANCE APPROP RI1ITI G X650.00, 62 AS MUCH T -� . OF IS ITECESSARY, TO PAY TIE-! DIFFERENCE IN Tom' EXCH:�INGE AN OLD FORD TOU .ING CAR AND A MOTORME{ NOW USED THE POLICE DEPARTaH;NT, FOR ONE NEW FuRD TOURING CAR D A IMOTORCYCLE, _UM FOR OTHER PURPOSES. B-:" IT ORDA -NED BY THE CITY COJNCIL OF TIE, CITY OF LIVE_ ROCK: Section 1. `10he sum of ::650.00, or as mucll thereof as is necessary, be, and the se._ae is, hereby appropriated out of the general revenue fund, not otherwise appropriated, to be paid as difference between the exchan-e of one old Ford touring car and an old motorcycle and one new Ford touring car and a new motor- cycle, to be used by the r`olice 1)"epartment, and the ...ayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue the City's warrant in the sum or 650.00 or as ::uch thereof as is necessary, made payTa_1, to-. at such maturity as they may deem for the best interest of the City. Section 2. Phis ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed:Arril 23, 1923. Witte st : ?"ity .rk .. -ayor .