3177r C �V 3177 AIT ORDIITA "Cl� l ".UIR IITG T LiOVAL OF ALL SF -U,CKS NOVI SITUATED ON r'II: CITY'S P1;O TY 11-77,,` -,IT B 'OADVL'.Y 2ITD !iRCH ST= E -T; T " ' ' 'M'' T .".ice`` TI -� 'JT L. -,S oI, �I .,IVi.,R B_1_���, 2:�T� �.�: clt1�,�� LJR_oL., B IT ' R,D ! II ?E: ` BY ; C `1'-'v C O�iI4CIIa P CITY Or L-L -L ZCCK: :section 1. That the Chief of 2olice and the Cite Engineer are hereby empowered to have the shacks or buildings now situated on the City's property, upon the aver Bank between Broadway and ..rch St- -eets, removdd within '�qR days; and if carne are not removed by that tir_.e, they are hereb-- ordered and directed to remove them. oection 2. This ordinance shall take effect fl-or1 and after its passage. PLSSJD: April 23, 1923. ATTEST: C i. "lerk.