31863 j CUDIIIANCF iTO. 3186. An Ordinance Providing; for the 'lideninE; olk the DrivewaLls and of -her- .:i::e improving of .:lest Third Street from Victory to Summit Avenue, Summit Av enue from Third Street to Second Street, Secoud Street Weaterly to its iiltersection with Yarkham :street, Markham Street to Booker treet and Prospect Avenue from Booker lit-reet to Zee Avenue; and re- 60 all persons, 2irr^s, or Corparationa having; Poles, ii;dr:ints or otyher obstructions now located Qn said streets _­I thin said points to tnet oYG %1CT .3'lih�'ar �e 4�i►>r" �✓- 4 p C� ap a!f��F� fa a Point I`lithin the New Curb Limits as Be��ein Defined, and for other Purl:oses. �here�: the Commi8- ioner;, of Pulaski Road Improvement District Number Ten are noa, ready to prccee.i '.,ith t,.e - --ork of pav'_ng and improve- rent of above Streets; and, lilhereav, it is deemed advisable to v iden < tid Improve the Driv -_- way of said streets, there-fore, Be it p dained by the City Council of the City of Little Section 1. That the width of the driv el ay of Third Street from Victory to the "viaduct shall be forty feet from curb to curb, that Avenue 9� the idti� of the drip: e'. a; on QummiV fro^ Third Street to �,eooad Street „ shall be forty feet from curb to cu_ °b, that the width of the :rive. ^;ay on econd ;treet from Summit .Avenue to an intersection with Markham titreet shall be fort; feet frog: curb to curb and th- -it the width of the driveway on Ilarkham Street from Barton Street to Booker Street or J'tifft "tation shall be forty -two feet from curb to curb, and that the ,fridth of the rivev,ay of Prospect avenue from Booker Street or Stifft Station to Lee Avenue shall be forty -two feet from cir-rb to curb. S Section k. That the curb on both sides of the said ;Test Third Street goinc `: "lest frow' Victory Street to t"de Viaduct may be moved back toward the property line a distance of four feet on each side, that the c lsb on the right hand side going North on Summit ivenue from Third titre= t to Second Street be moved back toward the property line eight feet, that the curb on the ri i,.t h -and. vi�?e o:. aeco._d :street going North or -lest from said Summit Avenue to its intersection with Yarkham Street may be moved back toward the proper%% line a distance of ei`ht feet; That the curb on the North side going 14esterly may be roved back toward the property line a distant, of ten feet on Yarkham Street and Prospect Ave - nue fron, Barton Street to -oee avenue, in order to further widen the drive- -2- r' way upon said streets. f Section 3. That all persons, Firms ox Corporations hiving Poles, Hydrants and other obstru- ctions between the new curb lines upon said Streats as herein defined be and they are hereby required to, within B ixty days front the date of t Ti notification by the Commissioners of said District, remove and reset all of their said pales, lflydran1 �> or other obstru.tio�is so that they shall be placed just bac', of the said ne7- :;urb line and off of said driveway. Section 4. That curb corners shall be placed at all inter- secting streets using adequate radii for same to fully care for motor traffic. Section 5. All ordinances and parts o` ordinances in con- - flict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage. Passed: ;,jay 7, 1923. Attest: Approved: pity clerk. Ila yor .