3196• ORDINANCE NO. 3196. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO J: ERECT CERTAIN OlUILDINGS ON AT 10TH AND STREETS PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'"Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE, ROCK; SECTIC :1 1: Permission is hereby granted to James P. aee to erect, on his three lots at the southwest corner of Tenth a.id ,enter Streets, the following buildings: On the "f:ast 80xl.l, - said lots, a brick building, with ooden partitions and compbsiticn and gravel root, nd to face Center Street, and on the rear 50x150 ft., a cor4r*gated ron building, to face Tenth Street. SECTION 2: That all orel'..narces or parts of ordinances n conflict herewith are hereby repealed'only in so far as this rdinance is affected, a;ld this mrdinance shall take effect from nd after its pas gge. AS ;ED : May 21, 1923. APPROVED• MAYOR.