3205a- w r �E Ji ORDMNCE NO. 3205. AN ORDINA ME GRANTING TO HUBERT SOUTER THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND 'IMAINTAIN THE FOLLOW ING LINE OF SEWER: BEGINNING AT SEVENTH AND FERRY STREETS3 SING CON4 1101101 WITH SEKER KNOWN At DISTRICT NO. 229 AND EXTEND LINE IN SEVENTH STREET TO AIM CORNBOTING WITH LOTS 10 AND 119 BLOCK 3, STEVENSON'S ADDITION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDA MED BY TIC CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That the right and. privilege is hereby granted to Hubert Souter, his heirs and assigns, to construct and maintain at his own expense, a certain line of sewer, as described above, provided that the said sewer shall be according to the plans and specifications as approved by the City Engineer, and filed with him. Section 2. In consideration of said privilege Hubert Sourer will advance the funds necessary for the construction of said sewer, and for the Iaoper maintenance thereof. The exclusive control of the line hereby authorized to be constructed, for and during the period J)rovided by this ordinance, is hereby granted to Hubert Souter, and he is autho. rized to permit or prevent any connections therewith by any person or persons, except upon the terms and conditions specified in this ordinance. :section 3. 1'lLat the said Hubert Souter shall permit all property owners to connect „with same, upon payment of their proportionate share of the cost of construction, and that the cost 'of construction be filed with the City ^nginedr and City Collector. Section 4. That the said sewer shall be turned over to and become the property of the City of Little Rock five years after the passage of this ordinance. Sect. 5, The City Collectior is hereby designated as a collector for the part$es mentioned, to w1 om all moneys for connection and proportionate shares of construction costs shall be paid dnd for the benefit and Use the city shall receive three per cent of the amount for making collections of all moneys collected, and pay the balance to Hubert Souter, his heirs or assigns as their interest appears. Section 6. Siad Hubert Souter shall file in writing an accept- ance of the terms of this ordinance within 30 days from the passage of this ordinance and upon failure to do so the ordinance shall be of no effect. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. Passed: :Iay 21, 19 3. p Attest: �� Approved: City rk. Mayor.