3214i 1 ORDINANCE NO. 3214• r + AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ iiiG TIM BOARD OF 2UBLIC AFFAIRS TO LEASE CERTAIN 20HT IONS OF THE OLD ARSENAL BUILDING Iii THE CITY PARY TO THE ARIL'. NATIONAL GUARD A.M FOR OTH -. 1 PURDOSES. BE IT ORD aIN ED BY TIE] CITY CCUNC IL Ole THE CITY 02 LITTLE ROCI;: UIEC`iICN 1: The Hoard ofublic Affairs is hereby authorized to lease certain portions of the old Arsenal build - ing in the city park to the Arkansas National Guzrd for a period of ten years and upon the terms recommended b' the Park Committee. 6ECTION 2: The details of the lease contract shall be in the discretion of the Board of Public Affairs and such action as g-f said Board shall take in rega.rd.there to is hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION 3: This ordin�.nce :ii all take effect from and after its passage. PASSED: June 11, 1323. _ATTEST : `" L e APPROVED• MAYOR. 9