32480RDI IA110E 1102 Z q AN ORDIN.ii1Ci: GRAI�TIiiG Pi'+RI,IIS:IOT4 TO E223 STM All, FU IITURE C011PAPY TO MOVE ITS CURB GASOLIPE FILLING PUI- AT THE: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH IUD STATE STREETS TO TIE SOUTHEAST CORI-TER OF SEVENTH AND STATE STREETS, TO HE LOCATED OPd SEVF 1TH STREET ) AN-A.' FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE TT ORDAIII,ED BY THE CITY COUIICIL OF THE CITY Or LI`T'TLE ROCK: SECTION 1. That permission is hereby granted to Epps Stove and Furniture Company to move its curb gasoline filling pump from the Southwest corner of Seventh and State streets to the Southeast corner of said streets, and said pump to be located on Seventh Street. SECTION w. All ordinances or parts of ord &nances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed only in so far as they effect this ordinance an- this ordiTance shall tare effect v �_ and after its puss9ge. "Passed: Approved: Attest; az _ Mayo r. i erk r, 1 r