3251x URDIi'APOE I!0. 2 s� A2. ORDIVA'VCE AP_1''ROP1,IA'rIVG THE SU'- UE $300,000.00, CIR AS MUCH Tv 1,016' AS MAY b,", t�I:C4.S31.RY. NOR THE .PURPOSE OF PURCHASII;G AVD EQUIrkL"_'r A FARE SITE, t'.LND FOR O'i'Hi+R PUEPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY TH_' C Y 0: Ul CIL OF THE Uri Or' LITTLE ROCS'.: SECTIOL I. The Sun of 1300,000.00, or as t ,,ch thereof r_ s be necessary, is hereby ap ropriated Out of ard- moneys in the genern.l -revenue fund. not otherwise e?= pended, for the purpose, of purchasing and equip tg a park site, and the Mayor and laity ule-rk ,,re herc:>>y Yttlthori -ad and directed. to e,.eeuto and deliver the 01tY's via),rant to such parties as may be justly entitled thereto and said ; :arrant to be of such denominations, not ad�-,r,:gating over (300,000.00. W,id at such maturities as may be in their discretion to the best interest of they city. SEU`i'IO2i L, -. `hat the major. the Pr rks and Grounds vommittee _ and v�. con :utttee of members of t'r�e Kittle trod, olenr�ing tiouse AssociF1ticn, sp1= ointed by t? Qr, be, and the same are hereby, authorized and directed to select such site as in the opinion Of the majority herein 3esignatedis suitable for park purposes 10 b' c'k t' *k't 0A-3 (ou.,.C:� fur FVa*1v �. SECTIC" 3. 'his orThla.n.ce shell take of-act from and after its passage. ,e,� .�-y Yassed:� i Att ast l.it� v Approved: ts.yor. l