3269X s f 011DI21ANCF NO. 3269. r AN ORDIN.XCF ANNEMING A. CERTAIN PORTION,H MBIN- A ?T ;R .:a D' MB. D, O? TiFA CITY OF LITTLE, :SOCK, ARK. , TO S R. &BT I)iPRGY:'ii =ITT DISTRICT 240.325 OF LI TTL 3 ROCK, LRK. '23.'i EAS, persons claiming to be a majority in value of the owners of real property within the territory hereinafter de- scribed, •arhieh property a.dioins Street Improvement District �» No. 325 of 'r ittle Rook, .rk, , fs, duly created and existing im- provemt,,nt district in said city, desire to be added to and in- t'' eluded in said improvement district, and have filed a petition wit.1i the „it, Council of the city o f Little Rock, Lr k., pray - �Y, ing that said territory be .annexed to said improvement dis- trict and have designated the nature of the it <<prover�::nt to be undertaken, and have described the territory to be annexed, and dH&R.OAS, the City Council has directed the city clerk to <ti publish for two weeks in some newspaper issuad and craving a gnaral circulation in Pulaski county a notice calling upon the property owner o within said territory to appear before this Council on this day and shoos cause for or against such (annexa- tion, and MMMS, such notice has been duly ~-.ublished and this is the time fixed in said notice for the hearing to determine 'uhtther those signing said petition constitute a majority in valae of the o*4zmare of ras.l property. in said territory, and wMEAS, this, ^oiimoil has ?,earO all persons who desire to be h-eard upon the question of uhether the signers of said petition oonsitute a ro jority in value of the owners of real property within said territory eeught to be aannexed. be it ordained by the Cite Council of the city of Little ock,Ark. ; Bection 1. That this Council has ascertained that the signers of the petition to annex the property hereinafter de- scribed to street Improvement District No.325, of the City of Little ock, krk.,constitut �a majority in v.a,lue of the ow °avers i of real property within the territory sought to be annexed,and that said petition for the annexation of said territory is in due form and properly signed by a majority of the owners of K real property as required b;;- law. Section 2. That sots 7 to 14 inclusive, and 27 to 34 inclusive, of "sulk's sub - division of Block 41; and rots 7 to 14 inolu ive, of Fulk' 2 Sub - division of Bloc's 40; all in Centennial Addition to the City of :A-ttle Rock' Ark; hots l to 11 in- clusive, of ?look 20 and the Borth Halt' of Block 3, of Fleming & Bradfcrd's &ddition to the City of Little Rook, Ark., be and tire;, are hereby added to and annexed to street Improve - went District No. 325 of �.ifi't1eqock,wnd are a part of said improvement district and the commif3rioncors of said district shall proceed to make the improver�ents petitioned for by doing the necessary grading, draining, curbing, guttering and paring with the material and in the manner that the commiscionors of said ;street Improvement District T +ol 325 shall deem to be for the beet Interest of the territory hereby annexed to said I treet Improvement District No. 325 on Nright Avenue from the e,est pro - perty line of High Street west to the intersection formed by producing Nforth across Nright Avenue the blest proms rty line of Block 3 of Pleiing & Bradfordle Addition to the City of Little XV Rook., That said annexed territory shall be known as the ,;right Avenue Annex to Street Improvement District IIa. 325 of Little Rock,Arkra.nsas, 3eetion 3. That the commissioners shall rake the ase esc - ments of benefits for sni.d imrroveri-:nt on the lots in the torri- tory if 0 be annexed on the same basis as if said territory e=ras included in the original district and shhall file said assess- ments, with the city clerk. Section 4. That all Ordinances in conflict her3with are hereby repealed rend this ordinance oral.l take effect and be in force from and after its passage, find the city clerk is Hereby ordered within 20 days after tl.e passage of this ordinance to publish the same In ser:le newspaper published in the ":i ty of Little .dock ?or one insertion, aseed : July 23, 1923* a;�or Approved; Attest; -� � � city Clerk