3281ORDIAi "CE TTO. 3281. AIT ORD11 A -CE LE v'YI TG A2T ASSEaS_a7ITT OF BEI]EFITS O1T Tim LOTS, BLOCKS, AID PARCIIS GP LAID LOCATED IIT STR 1 T II. PROVE:_72 T DISTRICT 10„ 350 OF THE r CITY 0" LIT7IM ROCK AP.TL�. SAS. 7=4IMAS, tie - majority in value of the property otrners ov.rn.. ing property adjoining the locality to be affected and situated in Street I_:'_prove:er:t D1StriCt L. 1 of t11e City of Litt1C Roc-, Ark - cy115cC, or ^ai.ized for the pur -]ose of `;radlng, dralnlnt;, CL;rbinf , [;ut- tering and paving with Creosoted brood .blocks, brick., concrete, ite- 13i tulit_ ic, or any of ler 1- -aterial w3nic i the co.:a:zissioners best, the following streets: Su:L.lit Avenue fro,:. 'U.-IL-le ITorth Property Line of ?`Test 7 utreet o ': ;e South Propert;° ine of ?hest 5t_ Street and t;'est 6t_. Street "ro::: the East Property- Line of Schiller Avenue to the East Property Line of attery Street, have petitioned t%_e council of the City of Little Hock, Ar? -a nsas, for the conStl�tction of said lii�� OVC' "_:e t, and 41 at t _8 Cost t_ereof s =_a J_1 be assessed upon the real property of said district ac- (mrding to t =he benefits received: and YT EPMAS, said benefits received by each and every bloc,:, Lot and y)_.reel of real property situated in said district equals or e::ceeds -::.Ihe local assess-merit thereon; and ": IPEAS, the est- .:.ated cost of said i - provement is Eighteen ousand n-.*o iundred and i'OrtySi:- Dolla "-_s (418246.00); there o'�e it is now ordained by the city council of the City of Little Rock, ArL-- ansas: SECTIOIT 1. That said several bloc'-s, lots and parcels of real property, in said district be assedsed according to the as I-:ess.hent list for said ilsprovel_ent district as the sa:..e row reliains in the office of the re- corder or City Clerk, and that 6' per centu_:: on each of said bloc- =s, lot:;, and - parcels s _a:'_L be paid for the first anl_h�al assessi e�:t on or before t .e first cay 0 f AugtihSt, 1923, sand that 5 per centu l on e ,czh of said blocks, lots and parcels slhall be paid alhnually thereafter on or before y ulhe first day of August in the years 1924 to 1944, inclusive, and that 3z per centum on ec.c__ of said bloc -hs, lots EI.rld 10z�;rccls be �`.id annually thereafter on or before t -_e _first cay of AuE,ust in the year, 194j< u -:til the total ow 100 per centLu.: of said assessne+ t shall have been paid. SE C T I O!, 2. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances Jr. conflict here - with e hereby repealed, and this o-rdina ,rice shall take effect and be in full force fro_: and after its passace. Passed: July '�0, 192 -. Approved : i►a� `��!. , _ /�:�r ,c < < Attest: .t CITY CI,EF.Y.