32871 ORDINANO 3E NO AN ORDI idADTCE AjniWDING ORDINAN" NQ. 3085, AIM FOP, OTHER UR20SE�. BE IT ORDAINED BY THB CITY COT CI 0 �EHE CITY Or LI TL�ROC 91 e �e 0� 5 iECT ION 1. That the par ,. ap reading "Upon Spr ing atreet from Markham to Seventh atreets, upon the -pest Side Of the Street; be and the same is hereby amMended to read as follows: "Upon 41pring jtrent from Warkham to Second Stre -ts, upon the West Side of the Street: SECTION 2. All ordinances or 1)ar is of ordinances in conflict herewit are hereb repealed and this ordinance shall take effect frcrr, and after its passage. Passed: August G, 1923. Attes Apex City C1