3309A W "Y f i r ORDINANCE NO. J { r'Z' co "' Aid ORDINANCE GRAVTI11G PERMISSION TO :ROY G. WOOD TO COI1STRliCT A FILLIIIG STATI0I1 011 LOTS, 11 :'i D 12, BLOCK 1029 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, AND FOR OTHER PU'' POSES, BE IT ORDAINED BY T HE CITY COJ14CIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK ARK Aid SAS. Section 1. That Roy G. flood is hereby granted permission to construct and maintain a drive -in filling station at the South -vest cori.er of Second and Spring streets, on Lots 11 and 12, Block 102, City of Little hock, and to construct the necessar vew4 s and building y une l c ea. Section 2. Ordinance Ito. 3156 of the City of Little Rock, passed April 9, ;_'323, and all other ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only in so far as they conflict with this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance to be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Date- Attest: .;lippr,-ved: lo i y, erk ayor