3325v *W ORDI NAITCE NO ATT ORDIN1.04CE LAYILIG OFF A CERTAIN PORTION* OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS IYTO A LOCAL II-ITROVEIMEIT DISTRICT Al\.T DESIG- NATING TfM BOUNDS TIMREOF, SAID DISTRICT TO BE KNOWIT AS STREET IY- PROMMIT DISTRICT 1710.3 -it/OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. 1471U'REAS, ten or more oi7ners of real property within the bounds herein mentioned have petitioned the City Council of the City of Little Pock, Arkansas to take steps toward the making of local im- prover:ente therein by grading, draining, curbing, guttering and paving with Concrete, Lrick, Warrenite- Bitulithic, or any other material which the commissioners of saic district may deem for the best interest of the district, all that portion of the following streets in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, as follows: West 4th Street from the west property line of Broadway Street to the east property line of Cove Street. i OW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIEED by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas: SECTION 1 That Street Improvement District i?ol-� ;~'�'of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, be, and the spine hereby is, created, laid out Md established for the purpose of grading, draining, curbing, €;utter- ing and paving with Concrete, Brick, Warre site- Bitulit.hic or any other material which the commissioners of said district may deem best for the best interests of the district, all that portion of the following streets: West 4th Street from the wrest property line of Broadway Street to the east property line of Cove Street, in the City of Little Pock, Arkansas, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of' the State cf Arkansas intitled "An act to regulate the manner of assess- ing real property for local improvements in the cities of the first and second class," approved lµarch 22, 1881, and ammendnents thereto. SECTION 2 That the district hereby created, la.td out and established AW shall include that portion of the city of Little Rock., Arkansas embraced within the boundaries herein described as follows: All property bounding and abutting on the streets to be im- proved, as set out in Section One (1) hereof and running back there- from for a distance of 150 feet. SECTION 3 That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take eff"'ect and be in full force from and after its passage and publi- cation, ex�d the City Clerk is hereby ordered within twenty days from the passage of this ordinance to publish same in some news- paper Qf general circulation in the City of Little Rock_, Arkansas, for one insertion. Passed: October 1, 1;23. A]pp? ovcd: • Attect -: —71 t Y