3327t f t1 �� ti k .1-Neow ORDIIvATaC E. AN 3RDINANCE LAYING OFF A CERTAITv ORTIOI OF THE CITY OF LITTLE FOCI; , A2, :1UTSAS , INTO A LOCAL II.OV LIS' ":��ICT Ali D.ESIGT2TIT;G THE DOU TDS T- =0 , SAD DIST_ICT TO BE .�ITO "T rt STREET I!sLPRO VE:c ] ITT DISTRICT ITO.1.3 S OF THE CITY OF LITTLE 1:OCI,, APZANSAS ." '.IHEREAS, more than ten o iners --f. real pro,,)erty yvi thin the bounds herein mentioned ha V e petitioned the City Council of the City of Little = ock, urkuzisas, to take steps looking toward the making of local improve- ments therein by grading, draining, curbing, guttering and Daving in such planner and ith such :materials as the coinnissioners of said district shah deter,: :ine to be for the best interests of the district, the following street, to -wit: 'crest Thirty -Third Street fro=m the west -,,roperty line of Arch Street to the east )ronert; line of Marshall '%treet; ITO'r, T =I✓ : OF. 3E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL T (1 '1'r CITY �! r� +� n RT. 1 TC A r . Section 1. That "Street Im-orovement District No. �%� of the City of Little :oc�, %rkaaasas," be and the same hereby is crested, laid out and established for the pur-oose of making local im rovemonts therein by grading, draining, curbing, glzttering and na,rin,g in such manner and with such ;-mterials as -'U-'I-.e co !zissio-n_ers of said district s'.ali determine to be for the best interests of the district, the .follo ling P - . � Z -2- street, to -wit: Jest shirty -third Street from the west pro -perty line of Arch Street to the east property line of Harshall - Street, in accordance with an Act of the General tissembly of the State of ��r; �.nsas entitled "An Act To Regulate Tile :,tanner of Assessing Real Property For Local Imigrovements In C"Ities of t ie first and Second Class, �� apyJroved larch 2212 1881, and amendments thereto. Section 2. That the -District hereby created, ,r laid out and established shall include that portion of the City of Little hock, embraced within the boundaries herein described, as follo;-is: - l 1 real property bounding and abutting on the Street to be imroved as set forth in Section 1 hereof and running back there:2-ro.l for a distance of one hundred and fifty feet. erection 3. That all ordinances and ?arts Of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby revealed and this ord iiianc e shall take effect and be in force fro :., and after its -:)assage and publication; and the City "lerl. is hereby ordered within t,�.enty da, :,s from the nassage of this ordinance to publish ca e in so:. ^. e nel sra L,er of rcner al cir cul otion in the s.. C-Lt.yr of Little L'oc' :, .rkansas, for one insertion. Passed: October 1, 1923. Attest: 41 If ty Clerlk Approved: