3328J i f ORDI N_010E NO. o � AN ORDI N.VC1 ASSESSING TIP, V SUE OF THF: i B ,I\7:FITS TO BE R''C DIVED BY TTTF, r)"INERS OF EACH OF THE SFV{RAL LOTS, BTjOCLS, PARCELS OR OTHER SUB - DIVISIONS OF REAL PROPERTY jVI THIIT,sritFET' i.,-,� ,iOVE vg,NT DI SMI CT NO. 360 OF TPY. CITY OF LITTLF, ROCK, ARKANSAS. MIREAS, a majority in value of the owners of real property owning real propwrty adjoining the locality to be af- fected and situated within Street Improvement District No. 360 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, organized for the purpose of doing the necessary grading, draining, curbing, guttering and paving in such manner and with such materials as the commissi oilers of said ?district shall determine to be for the best interests of the District, the streets set out in their petition, have peti- tioned the City Council of the City of Little Rock for the con- struction of said improvements and the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the real property within said 'District according to the benefits received; WIER'EAS, the benefits received by each and ever,! lot, block, parcel or other sub - division of real property sit- uated within said District equals or exceeds the local assess- ment thereon; and 71_EREAS, the estimated cost of said improvement is X67,138.50 NO` 9 THERi FORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Little Rlock, -Arkansas: SECTION I: That the said several lots, blocks, parcels or other sub - divisions of real property within said Street Improvement District No. .360 be, and they are hereby, assessed according to the assessment list for said Street Improvement District as the same now remains in the office r of the City Clerk of the City of Tittle Rock, and as the same may be annually re- adjusted by the Board of Assessors, and that $ix (6)_ per ce nt um of s iA d assessments of the value of the benefits on each of said lots, blocks, parcels or other sub - divisions of real property in said District shall be paid annually on or before the 15thdaY of Nnv_aMhar of each year until the whole of said assess- ment shall have been paid. The first annual payment shall be made on or before the _15th day of November, 192 SECTION II: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Passed this 1st day of October, 1923. ATTEST: City v� .gyp pr ove d : 9 i I' ay or