3336ORDINANCE NO. 3336. An Ordinance _jstablishing the :ate of T1 :ati.on of w'roperty for City '-Purposes for the Year 1923. BE IT OlbllkINED BY TI- CITY COU7.41CIL OF TIM' CITY OF LIT2=1 ROCK: Section 1. That the rate of taxation on real and per- sonal - property in the City of L:i_ttl' Rock, Arkansas, for city purposes, for the year 1923, be and the same is hereby fixed and established and levied as follows: For general purposes, in order to carry on the affairs of the City governriient, under Section 4,,. ".rticle XII, of the Constitution of 1374, there is hereby levied a tax of five (5) mills. Section 2. ihis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its pa . sage, and tree spume shill be forth- with certified by the rP,a.yor and City Clerk as required by law. Passed October 8, 1923. Attes ; r'OVed C1 �r Clerk. -or.