3399ORDINANCE NO. 3399. All OHL'INAITCE AUTHORISING AND DIRL;CTING THE 30ARD OF 2U3LIC AFFAIRS TO ENTEF INTO A C014TRAOT FOR TFF, -TRC'_ kSE .a DigP91 "t It or a>. -c4 +4be "� .g ..a7 Ic Atct. -A OFAHOSE FOR THE FIRE. T]!.i'ARTI& IaT AIM APi'ROPRIAT?N G o�6 , 500.00 THEREFOR . RO O '. BE IT ORDAINEl- BY THE: C ITY CO"JITCIL OF TIjE CITY OF LITTLE; SECTION 1. That Board of 2ixblic Affairs be and it is authorized and d irected to enter into a c mtract for the purchase of^hose for the fire department in the amount of oras'•►uck'f'hlt'rCOf ccS 1�a�.+utc ►�ccc�ssa� ""6,500.00 and the sure of �'6,500.00Ais hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the General Revenue fund not otherwise appropriated to be expended by the Board of i'ublic Affairs in the manner above stated. SECTION 2. This ardinance shall talce effect from and after its passage- Passed: January 7, 1924. Attest,.- City lerk 11 A p p ro����� -� �