343240 ORDINANCE 110. 3432 AN ORDINANCE GRANTIPG A.O.P. NIC1K)LSON PEiU ISSI011 TO IIOVE it Gl''SOLIN::. PUMP FROIM THE CURBIIIG IN FR011'T OF TH1: DRUG STORE T P ROSPEC'T AND BEECH STREET AND TO PLACE 5:x1,1E ON TH C Ti B LIVE Old BEECH c. T1 T BY Tlzli: SIDE OF 2M NEVI I=MX1 BUILDIIIG 011 THE' SOUTH *WEST CORi1LR OF PR0VECT AND BEECH. BE IT 03D'iINED BY "' HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIT'LE ROCS, ILRY'. Section 1. That A.O.P. 1'ichol: on is hereby granted permission to remove the gasoline puma , tanks, etc., now located on thc:'curb- lilie on Prospect avenue at its intersection with Beech, to the curb line on the Beech street side of the new building; located on the south -viest corner of Prospect and Beech streets. Section 2. All ordinances and -oarts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed exccnt that bart of those ordinances requiring the payment of a fee for permits for this kind of work. Passed : February 25, 1924. Attest Ci Clerk e MR/I 10