3437(5�4 ORIAIT10101 xo.31,/,37- All o",- INAM3 ASTABLI,"HIN' A G' ,, A) 4 ON CARTJIT STR.Ims IX 3TR'4'4T JUPROVIRMT DISTRICT V0.360. MR 9, 'Itroot Improv-mont District ITo,.360 of the !.11ty of Little Rook is ready to begin. construction and rill improvo with a permanent pavamnmt certain streets of 'the city, MI WERRIUS9 it is dash ablo to fix tho grades of those streets In advance# IT(Ve TH V WX'i 4, -,,� I Il" 01U)AT 1-1,7) SY TH i 0 1 TY ClUNC TL OF Tom: CITY T LITTL ROCK. AR XA?M ',: That the grade on Nast 21st Street, be- ginninz at a point on the east property line of Cumbarland. Stra-Pt and the center line of 1, ant 21st 17troot ca fir-3d at an elevation of 209*9 feet; thanoe east 196 feet to an elevation of 201*6 feet; thence ea, ,it 152 fo,3t to an elevation of 19590 foot; thence east 98 feet to an elevation of 194.0 feet; thence east 'E;F, feet to an elova-tton of 193,0 feet; thence east 475 feet to an olava- tion of 186.8 feet; thence east 426 feet to an elevation of 189.1 feet; thence east 350 feet to an elevation of 1;"6.6 feet; thence east 1W foot to an elevation of 187.6 feet; thence east 200 feet to an -elevation of 190.1 feet; thence east to the -,79.qt oroperty line of 20Almont 11treat, a di. stance o' go feet to an alevatlon of 190.5 feet: thence east 60 feet to an qlovation of 190.7 Pltet'. t,y,ence qttst So feet to fin olevatton if 190*5 feet; thence asst 50 feet to an elevation of 1.9001 feet; thence east 6150 feet to an elevation of 177,6 feet, 3071TON 2: That the grade of east 20th Itreat begin- ning at a point on the ,%4st property line of Camberland 1treot ")V the cantor Une of .ast 20th -1treet bi fixed at an elevation of 200.2 foot; thence east 140 feat to an el avati on o 1, 195.6 faet; thence ew3t 60 feet to an elevation of 192 feet; thence east 100 feat to an elevation of 189.6 feet- V 3: That the grade on ',zock 'street bpL-in- ning at a point on the north property line of ast 2,01th :street and the center linn of Rock F'trset ba fixed at an elevation of 186.9 fact; thence south 790 feet to an elev4atlon of 195.0 feet; thence south 140 feet to an alavation of 197.5 feet; thence south 50 feet to an elevation of 197*3 feet; thence south 50 feet to an elevation of 196.8 feet; thence south 3792 feet to an elavation of 184.3 feet. 4: That the grade on '!,ast 22nd 'treet beginning at a point an the woot -property ],in(> of 3oo'f: Streot and the center line of ',',Ia:,,t 22nd !treat be fixed at an elevation of 195*5 feet; thonceWd-at 307 feet to an elevation of 216,5 feet. ,930TI ON 6: All of the elevations herein f0red in thic ordinance refor to the bench mark on top of the fire hydrant of the assumed ilavation of 199.55 feet, at the intersection of .ait 21s" :street with Rock Street. 5 C T I ON 6: That all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances In conflict hererith arc hereby ripealed and this ordi- nance shall be. In force and effect from and after Its passage. MAR 1 0 1924 City Approved: 0 r