3518\1 ORDISZ U Cif NO. 3 518 An Ordinance to 2egulate the Traffic and the use of the Streets of the City of Little Rock and for Other Purposes. BE, IT ORDAINED BY " . CITY COUNCIL OF 'i __T CITY OF LITTLR ROCL: , Section 1. That the use of the streets of the City of Little Rock by pedestrians, horses, and vehicles of any description shall be subject to the rules and regulations set out in the succeeding sections of this ordinance. Section 2. DEFIIyITIOTd OF TRRyTS. Street: Any road used as a public thoroughfare. Sidewalk: That part of the street for the use of pedestrians. Roadway: That part of a street for the use of vehicles. Crosswalk: That part of a roadway marked or understood upon which pedestrians should c-ross. Curb: The later1'al boundaries of a roadway,marked or understood. Horse: Any saddle or harness animal. Vehicles: Any conveyance on vheels except street cars. Driver: Any person in control of a vehicle or animal. Person: Shall include firm or corporation. Section 3. AUTHORITY, Pedestrians, and drivers of any vehicles including operators of street cars, shall at all times comply with the directions of any member of the Police Department with regard to stopping, starting, taking up or letting out passengers, loading or unloading merchandise, or passing along or across any street. Section 4, 2QLLO :1IiT,. Vehicles shall not be driven along or upon the roadways abreast, but one shall fallow behind the other except when pa.ssing. Section 5. TING, A vehicle meeting another shall pass to the right. Section 6. OV 1RTAKING. _1 vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left and shall not pull over to the right until twenty feet in the clear of the overtaken vehicle. Section 7, IMEIP TO RIGHT. All vehicles shall keep as near the right -hand curb as practicable. Heavily loaded vehicles and slow moving vehicles shall keep to the extreme right; the slower the speed the nearer the right -hand curb. Section 8. RECKLESS DRIVIi ?G. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or ride through or upon the streets or alleys of this city in a careless or reckless manner. ' =2- Section 9. PASSIiZ STREET CAR. A vehicle shall pass a street car only on the right -hand side thereof. Section 10. STOP BACK OF STIC,,B CAR LOADING OR U'iTLOADING PASS TGERS. A vehicle overtaking a street car, sto-�)ped or stopping to load or unload passengers shall not approach said car closer than ten feet and shall not pass said street car until:it proceeds; provided this shall not apply in the safety zone district. section 11. TURITUTG. It shall be unlawful to turn any vehicle around in any street except at street intersections. Section 12. TURNING TO RIGHT. A vehicle turning into a street to the right shall keep as near the right -hand curb as practicable. Section 13. TURNI M TO LEFT. A vehicle turning into a street to the left shall pass around the center of the intersection of the two streets. Section 14. CMTAIN LEFT -H.._ ID TURNS PROHIBITND. It shall be unlawful to make a left hand turn with any T, ehicle so as to change its course at or upon the following intersedion6: Second and 1.I8in, Third and I: ain, Fourth and fain, Capitol Avenue and Hain, Sixth and ;lain, Seventh and Bain, Eighth and i.:ain, and ITinth and Main. Section 15, TURfTINCT INTO AID FROM AIT ALL11,7o Vehicles turning into an alley in the limited parking district shall turn only to the right and vehicles turning out of any alley in the limited parking district shall turn only to the right. Section 16, PRIVATE DRIVT:iAY. The driveway in front of the little Rock General hospital is hereby declared a private driveway and the use of same is hereby prohibited except when driving to or from said hospital. Parking in said driveway is hereby prohibited. Section 17. BOULr''`IUOS. The following streets are hereby designated as boulevards. (1). Broadway, between Markham and Twenty - Third Streets. (2). Capitol Avenue, between Bain and Cove Streets. (3). Third Street, froin ','ain to Suj mit, Summit Street to Second, Second street to the intersection of 7-arkham and Prospect Ivenue. (4). Battery Street between Seventh Street and ;fright Avenue. (5). Fourteenth Street from Main to Woodrow Street. Section 18. EITTERI14G A BOUL.71WARD. All vehicles, except fire apparatus, vehicles of the Police Department and ambulances making emergency calls, when approaching a boulevard shall come to a full stop before entering or crossing same. r -3- Section 19. PROC -�SSIO.TS. No person shall drive or ride any vehicle or animal through a procession except with permission of a police officer. Section 20, PROC�SSIOT,,S. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any animal, vehicle or any street car through or across a funeral procession provided, this section shall not apply to ;fire apparatus or police vehicles and ambulances making emerg @ncy calls. Section 21. RIGHT OF :,'AY. The driver of the vehicle approaching an intersection of streets shall give the right of way to the vehicle approaching soc7i1 intersection from the right. Section 22. CERTAIN VEHIME,14S 43HAVp-, RIGHT DF Jr 1Y. Vehicles of the Fire and Police J)epartments shall have the right of way in any street and through any procession when in the regular course of their duty and ambulances when on emergency calls. Upon the approach of any, apparatus of the Fire Department, street cars shall be stopped immediately and all vehicles shall be drawn as near as practicable to the right -hand curb and stopped and shall re..�ain standing until such an has passed. Section 23, TRAFFIC AT I1.'RSyCTIUi S. All vehicles including street cars approaching any street intersection where a Ibolice traffic officer is stationed shall proceed to cross such intersection only upon a signal or direction of said traffic police officer, given by voice, hand, vrn.istle, or otherwise. Section 24. POLICE TRiFFIC SIGNALS. Police Traffic signals indicated by whistle are as follows: One Blast, north and south traffic Proceed, east and west traffic stop behind the property line. Two Blasts; east and west traffic proceed, north and south traffic stop behind the property line. Section 25. SIGNALS ON SLOWING, STOPPING, OR 2URNING4 The drivers of all vehicles shall signal by hand or other effective method, before slowing, stopping or g turning and shall indicate by hand as follows: A left hand turn shall be indicated by extending the arm downward. A right hand turn shall be indicated by extending the arm diagonally upward. A stop or slowing doom shall be indicated by extending the arm horl"L ?ontally. Section 26. SP 7;D, GIMBRIL. No .person shall drive a motor vehicle or motorcycle upon any public highway in this city at a greater speed than is reasonable or proper, having regard to the traffic and the use of the way, or so as to endanger the life Ir limb or;injure the property of any person. If the rate of speed of any motor vehicle or motorcycle operated upon any public highway in the city, except upon boulevards as hereinafter provided, exceeds fifteen (15) miles an hour for a distance of one eighth of a Mile, such rate of speed shall be prima facie evidence that the person operating such vehicle is running at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the trdffic and the use of the way, or as to endanger the life or limb or injure t_,e property of any person. Section 27. ON, BOULEVARDS. If the rate of speed of a. motor vehicle or motorcycle, being operated on any boulevard of this cit,�, exceeds twenty -five (25) miles an hour, such rate of speed shall be pri�a facie evidence that the person operating such motor vehicle or motorcycle is running at a ra.te of speed greater than is reasonable having regard to the traffic and use of the ti ,ray, or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. Section 26. SP= D AROU� D CURW1,S OR AT IlTTFRSFCTIOITS. If the rate of speed of a motor vehicle or motorcycle, being operated on the streets of this city, in going arou:d a corner or curve or in passing a street intersection where the operator's view of the road traffic is obstructed, exceeds six (6) miles an hour, such rate of speed shall be prima facie evidence that the person operating such motor vehi &le dir motorcycle is running at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable having regard to the traffic and the use of the way, or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. Section 29. SPi1I0 THROUGH P.LMo ITO person shall drive any vehicle or ride any animal in any park at a greater speed than a rate of fifteen (15) miles an hour. Section 30. SP RD THROUGH �UIBIT ZOH.-34 AND WIF-Id PASSING SCHOOLS. ISO person shall drive any vehicle through a quiet zone or past any school faster than ten miles an hour, the latter prohibition to be in force during any pert of the school year when children are going to or from school. -5- Section 31. SAFETY ZOIUES. The safety zone district shall include Main Street from the Foot of the Main Street Bridge to the south property line of the intersection of ninth Street; and ',,est Capitol ;1venva from the west property line of the intersection of ;.:ain Street to fifty feet west of the property lisle of the intersection of Center Street. The safety zones shall be a portion of the street marked by standards or markers, one placed on the property line of the intersecting street and the other at a distance designated by the Police Corzaittee; and a line drawn parallel with the street car track between the two standards or markers, this indicating the boundaries of such zone. Safety zones shall only be located at the usual stopping places of street cars and are for the protection of such persons entering or leaving the cars. Section 32. DRIVI-TM OV IR SAFETY ZOITES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlavriul for any person to drive or operate any vehicle over, though, or across any safety zone. Section 33. SPI;IIb PAST SUETY $OILS. Vehicles shall be driven to the right of safety zones but shall not be operated at a greater speed than six (6) miles an hour past such zones while a street car is standing at sane and such vehicle shall be under absolute control so that it may be stopped ii- mediately in case of an emergency. Section 34. OBSTRUCTIIG TRAFFIC PRO'�IBITI�'D. ITo vehicle shall be parked so as tp prevent the free woa.ssage of traffic in both directions at the same time. Section 35. PARK "tITH RIGHT SID-, TO CURB. fill vehicles shall stop with the right side parallel to the curb except delivery trucks for loading and unloading purposes only# and where otherwise provided. Section 36. PARK 47ITHIIT 7.10 FEET OF CURB. ITo vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing unless xt both wheels of such vehicle are within two feet of the curb, except where otherwise provided. V Section 37. CROSSWALKS CLEAR. ITo vehicle shhall be parked or shall remain standing on any crosswalk, but shall stop back of the property lisle. Section 361 DOUBLE PARKIITG PROHIBITED. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing abreast to another vehicle parked parallel to the curb, provided, delivery vehicles may double park for not more than ten minutes for the purpose-.of actually loading or unloading merchandise. Section IM Section 39. P_ RKENG ',.WITH I`OTOR RUNNIIeG, PROHIBITED. No vehicle unoccupied by the driver or some competent person capable of operating same shall be parked or shall remain standing upon the streets of this city with the motor running. Section 40. PARKING Z:1R FIRE HYDRANTS, PROHIBITED. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing within four feet of a fire hydrant. Section 41. PARKING AT SAFETY ZOIT S. Ito vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing within ten (10) feet of the approach of a safety zone nor between a safety zone and the curb. Section 42. PARKING IN ALL-'YS PROHIBITED. No person shall park any vehicle in any alley except eoimereial cars or wagons for the purpose of loading and unloading and for no longer period than is actually necessary to load or unload. ?o vehicle sh ,*ll be parked or shall remain standing in front of an alley. Section 43. PARK-MG 017 SIDr,dALK, PROHIBIT �13- No part of any vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing on any sidewalk or in front of any private driveway so as to obstruct same. Section 44. PARKING N� r�R COIISTRUCTIOIt IORK, PROHIBITED. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing for a longer period than three minutes, except for the purpose of loading or unloading, adjacent to any portion of a street temporarily narrowed for the purpose of storing material or machinery used in connection with the ervection of a building or improvement; nor shall any vehicle be parked or remain standing on the opposite side of such street. Section 45. aA:)LIITG Ill FRO T OF CHURCI-T-S, HOTELS, 'TC. I;o vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing in front of the main entrance of any church, hotel, theater, or picture show, except momentarily for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers, The space in front of such entrance shall be kept clear of all vehicles for a space feet measured fifteen (15) each way from the center of said main entrance. Section 46. P_ -IITG IIT FRONT OF BANKS ON J:,ST SY�COI?D S'221'-'72 1I= .iIT'D. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing in front of any bank located on ':lest Second Street betvxen Ilain and Center Street for a space of fifty (50) feet, to be designated by the Police Cormittee for each bank, for a longer period than one hour at any one time between the hours of 9 A. L.T. and 3 P. T.. daily except Sunday; said space to be marked by parking signs showing the tine allowed for parking. Section 47. PAF.KIITG OIT CERTAIN STR 'TTS LL.--ITIM `� O OIT', HOUR. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing in any one block upon the following portions of streets between 7 A. 1111. 'and 7 P. ;,. daily, except Sunday, for a longer period than one hour at any one time; Main Street from ;ia.rkham to Tenth Street, Capitol Avenue from :lain Street to Center Streetq 1Iarkhars Street from I.�ain to Scott Street. Section 48, PARKING ON CERTAIN STR _'TS LIL'IM —D TO T!do IM OIL-I lUdiF HOURS. Ito vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing in any one bloc: for more than two and one half (2,1�&-) hours at any one time on any of the streets bounding or included vrithin the area Whose limits are Markham, Seventh, Center, and Scott; provided that parking on certain streets in this area shall be further limited by sections of this ordinance. S ection 49. PARKIi G ON ANY STR1'i'T LI IT�;D TO T':17LVF HOURS. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing on any street for a longer period than twelve hours, Whether disabled or in running condition. All -night parking of vehicles on streets is hereby prohibited. Section 50. PARKING IN FROITT OF 117 Fast SFCOI;D STR.T'FT PROHIBITED. No vehicle shall be parked or shall remain standing in front of 117 Fast Second Street for a distance of fifty feet marked by parking signs, between the hours of 8 A..I. and G 13.1.11 except when obtaining vmights on the public scales. Section 51, PARKIITG CURS :FOR HIR-7 ON STR'rTS, PROHIBITED. !,To person shall park or cause to be parked any jitney bus, taxicab, or other vehicle used for hire upon any of the streets or alleys of this city except for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers and such period shall be limited in each case to ten minutes. Section 52. PARKING ON ITORTH MAIN STREET, PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on Min Street north of Markham Street. Section 53. 11FDDL11MS, PARKII G LI .:ITF D. No person driving or operating any vehicle containing produce, merchandise, goods or commodities for sale shall permit such vehicle to remain standing in any one block for a longer period than thirty minutes; provided this shall not affect the territory bounded on south by Tenth Street, on the north by the Arkansas River, on the east by Rock Street and on the de st by Broadway. Section 54. PARKING ON ASHL111Y STRAIT. All vehicles parked on Ashley Street shall be placed at an angle of forty -five degrees zz to the curb in a northwesterly direction on the rest side of the street only, L except for a space of fifty feet on the west side where no parking shall be -permitted, such space shall be designated by suitable signs. 17o vehicle shall be parted or shall remain standing upon the east side of _�shley Street, except momentarily to load or unload passengers or baggage. Section 55. P1RKING I1T FRONT OF POSTOFFICI LIl.:IT'D. No v: ehiele �: shall be parked or shall remain standing on the north side of Second Street between Center and Spring Street for a longer period than ten minutes at any one time. Section 56., P1EKING UND2R MAIN STREET BRIDG . It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle, between the hours of 7 A.:. and 6 P.... each day of the week, on the driveway extending north from Bridge Street immediately adjacent to the ',lain Street bridge and under the first archway :of said bridge, except for the purpose of loading and unloading, and for any longer than is actually necessary to load or unload; provided, the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to parking on Saturday after 1 "._ =. between May lst and October lst; on Sundays and on the following holidays, to -wit: New nears, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Section 57. LIGHTS ON .OTOR D�IVRITT VFHICLTS. All Automobile�, trucks or other motor driven vehicles except motorcycles, operated upon the streets of this city after the hour of sunset and before the hour of sunup shall be equipped with two front lights plainly visible at a distanc6 of three hundred feet; provided this section shall not apply to trucks equipped with on& light in the center of the front part of the ve hie le . Section 58, lights on HORSE DRAMT VFHICL S. All buggies, Dragons or other horse- dra«iz vehicles operated upon the streets of t.is city after the hour of sunset and before the hour of sunup shall be equipped with a light plainly visible from the front and from the rear. Section 59. LIGHTS, R ARe All automobiles, trucks or other motor driven vehicles except motorcycles, operated upon the streets of this city after the hour of sunset and before the hour of sunup shall be equipped with one light plainly visible from the rear showing red and i17iAminating with a. white light the license numbers so that it may be read at a distance of fifty feet. Section 60, LIGHTS 021 2.TOTORCYCLI'S. 111 motorcycles operated upon IM the streets of this city after the hour of sunset and before the hour of sunup shall be equipped with one front light plainly visible at a distance of three hundred feet and one light plainly visible from the rear showing red. Section 61. SPOTLIGHTS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit to be used any spotlight upon any vehicle operated upon the streets of this city. Section 62. BLII DIITG LIGHTS PROHIBITIID. It shall be unlawful i for any person to operate any vehicleupon the streets of this city after the hour of sunset and beforethe hour of sunup, with headlights that are not focused or adjusted so that the celter of the illuminated area in front of the ve :icle, standing on a level street or platforri, will be from fifty to seventy -five feet in front of said vehicle. Izo lamp or light shall be more than twenty -one (21) candle power; and the test for the focus of non - concentrating lenses shall be made with the lenses removed and the light shall then conform witii the specifica- tions herein stated. Section 63, TESTj''!R OP ':r2", DLIG-7TS. The foreman of the Repair Department of the City of Little Rock or one of his assistants, be and is hereby appointed "Official `ester" of headlights. He di-all test the lights of all vehicles brought or sent to him for that purpose, shall designate any adjustments that may be necessary and when the lights have the prg;per focus shall paste a sticker, supplied him by the Chief of Police , on the inside of the le ft lens, and for each inspection he shall collect a fee oft plenty -five cents, for which he shall give a receipt. He shall also keep a record of each inspection and shall turn the money collected over to the City Collector daily, taking a receipt for same. Aaiy person driving a car whose headlights are not focused as required by this ordinance shall have the necessary adjustment made and return for another test and get the official testry stamp. Section 64. SMILL RF.:ORT TO TIE,, TESTER. Mien an officer of the Police Department decides that the headlights of a vehicle Ore not properly focused or adjusted, he shill stop the vehicle aid order the driver to report to the official tester within twenty -four hours or during the following working day, giving hir.� a tag to tape to the Official Tester, and if the vehicle has not been taken to the Tester within the time specified, the oimaer shall be deemed quilty of a mis- demeanor. -10- Section 65. �.VOIDI_�G ARR'ST. It shall be unlawful for any person to turn o =f any lights on a motor vehicle for the purpose of avoiding arrest or identification. Section 66. LICENST'. All motor vehicles shall display regulation registration numbers in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas and the City of Little Rock. Such numbers shall be displayed conspicuously in an upright, verticAl position and in unobstructed view-.on the car to which they t-rere issued. Section 67. JARNING SIGITALS. All motor driven - mehicle s shall kbe equipped with a horn, bell or other effective signal device which shall be used only as a danger warning and it shall be unlawful to make with any horn, bell or other such device, any unusual or unnecessary noise. Section 68. SIG T,i1� DF,VIC1'S PROHIBIT D. It shall 6:e unlawful for any person to operate" any v- ehicle upon or along the streets of this city using a siren vimstle or vfnistle operated by exhaust gas, steam, or other whistle; except those operated by the fire and Police department. Section 69, BRAIIS. No motor vehicle shall be operated upon the streets of this city unless it-.is equipped with efficient brakes maintained in good working order at all tines. Section 70. IMPPLERS RE,�UIRrD. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle upon or along the streets of this city without a mT.ffling device through which the exhaust gasses from the motor of said vehicle shall at all"- times pass while in operation and the use of:open cut -outs is prohibited in this city. Section 719 PARKITG SIGITS. No person shall place or cause to be placed along the sidewalks, curb, or any portion of the streets or property tiadjacent to the streets, any sign to the effect that no parking is permitted, except as provided for in the sections of this ordinance. Section 72. FIRE HOST. It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle over a hose or other apparatus belonging to the fire department. Section 73, BA: RI:: -11- Section 74. MPAIRIIIG VMTUCLI S OTT STRIIRTS PROHIBI Tr D. It shall be unlawful for any person to repair any vahicle upon the streets of this city; provided this does not prohibit the changing of tires or making of minor repairs. Section 75. R?,PIIRIIIG OF V�HICLa'S ON SIDE -JALLS PROHIBITI'D. It shall be unlawful for any person to repair any-vehicle or to change or repair the tires of any vehicle upon the sidewalks;of this city. Section 76. DRIVIIaG THROUGH �'ILLIIiG ST -1TI0 . It shall be unlawful for any person after having driven a motor vehicle into any filling station ti'nere a gasoline is sold in this city, to leave the same without having first brought said vehicle to a fail stop, and Athout souiidir_g his horn. ZSection* 77. SKATEM. It shall be unlawful to skate or use roller skates upon the streets of this:city. Section 78. JM2I1,TG ON OR O 2 V1,1HIC12S. It ShAll be unlawful for any person to jump on or off or hang-on the side of any motor vehicle while it is :in motion. Section 79. DRIVING V3HICL19 1 HILT UTIDI'R THE ITS lj: ME OF:1I ?UCR. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle upon the street of this city while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Section 80. DALUGI; TO TIRES. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, deposit or place on the streets or alleys or permit to remain in or on the streets or alleys adjacent to their premises, any glass, nails, tacks or other material likely to injure horses or other animals or damage the tires of any vehicles. Section 81. NO ONE U MR PIFT.1B1T YEARS OF AGE, TO DRIVP. TTo person being the owner or custodian of any motor vellicle shall permit any perWr under the age of fifteen(15) years of age to operate the same on the streets Qf this city nor shall any person under the age of fifteen (15) years of age, operate any motor vehicle upon the streets : of this citv7. Section 82. CLOSITG STR''IT. ':Whenever the 2olice Committee shall deem it advisable for the public safety or convenience, or to prevent the obstruction of any street during the tir:le same is being used for x any parade; to close such street or part thereof, temporarilu to vehicular traffic, the Chief of Police, shall have the authority to do so. -111 persons operating or driving any vehicle or animals shall cease to use such street upon the order or direction of;tlhe Chief of Police or Police Officer acting under his orders. -12- -ti Section 83. IN CAS4`1 OF 3CCIMET. In case of an accident due to the operation of any vehicle, the driver of such vehicle shall stop i:.nmediately and render such assistance as possible and before leaving the place bf such accident shall give thtir true name, true address, and if not the oinaer of said vehicle, shall give the owners true name and true address, together with the registered number of such vehicle in case it is motor driven; to the person injured or whose property is damaged or any other persons who question him; and the driver of such vehicle shall immediately report the accident to the Police. Section 84. PRD STRIA'_TSq OBSERV . TRA`'FIC. Pedestrians shall observe the signals of a police traffic officer and they shall not cross the streets before a signal is given for the traffic to dove in the direction tovrard Lrhich the ;cede strian is crossing. Section 85. PST ?STRI:i1TS CROSSI'TG STIC -17TS. Pedestrians shall observe traffic before leaving the curb, and shall keep off of the roadway except when necessary to cross and shall cross the street at right angles on crosswalks only. Section 86. PI',DT STRIj,T1S, Pedestrians shall enter and leave safety zones from the end adjacent to the crosswalk and shall stand ZFrithin the lirsits of such zone. '`rjzere there is nb safety zo.ie established, pedestrians, while waiting for a street car, shall stand on the sidevialk.. until such street car is within 200 feet or less ffom the stogging place. Section 87. PM'IMMUISp UIGHTING FRO.,' CAR. Pedestrians after alighting from a street car or other vehicle shall proceed its -aediately to the right -hand curb. Section 88. 210 STRI_UTS 121',BP TO RIGHT. Pedestrians shall keep a to the right on all sidewalks and stop only near the curb or property line and not;in the center of the walk. Section 899 Bicycles. RID:'RS TO COIU�OFIIL TO TRIA!"FIC BiTJL _7S. Every person riding a bicycle upon the streets of this city shall conform to the traffic rules and regulations governing the operation of other vehicles upon the streets. Section 90. BICYCLES, LIGHTS ,UTD BRI:�S R,L 4UIRTD. Every person riding a bicycle upon the streets of this c ity shall have such bicycle equipped with a light at night and a bell by day, the light to be attached to the front of the bicycle and the bell in some convenient 'nlaee for gomnrli nu 'A-- a f -13- Section 91. Bicycles, CATCHI TG OJT ISOVIi�G V 1HICL�S. It shall be unlawful for any person riding a bic;;cle to catch or grasp any; street car or veMiele which is moving along the streets of this cite. Section.92. BICYCLNS MJST B UTMI�R CONTROL. It shall be unlawful to ridg any bicycle upon the streets cif this;city with the hands of the rider off of the handlebars and the rider of a. bicycle Shall at all times keep such vehicle under complete control. Section 93. hORS ,S, HITCI -TI :u. No person shall leave any horse or other animal on the streets or alleys of this city trithout securely hitching such horse or .other animal. Section 94. HOR.BBS SP3,r,D. :10 person shall ride or drive any horse on a street or alley in this city faster than an ordinary trot or pace* Section 95. HORS''S, R2.S111IV ,. Any person driving a motor vehicle shall at the request or signal from any person driving or riding a restive horse, stop such motor vehicle and if necessary cause the motor of such vehicle to cease running so as to allow the animal to pass in safety. Section 96. PROJRDTING LO e It shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle so loaded that any material extends beyond two feet of the sides or eight feet of the rear of such vehicle unless a red light by night and a red flag by day is affixed to the projecting end of such material. Section 97. TRUCKS, TRACTORS, FTC. No truck, tractor, or other vehicle having spiked tires or otter than smooth tires shall be moved or propelled upon the streets of this city except under the direction of the City engineer. Section 98. OBSTRUC'iION Or STRi''T RAILLIY TRA1114'IC. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed on the tracks of the street railway company any obstruction of any kind and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any Vehicle to drive so as to interfere or obstruct the passage of any street car. Section 99. BELLS OR GONGS. All cars of the Street railway compare shall be equipped with bells or gongs which shall be sounded at each street intersection only as a warning of the approach of such car. Section 100. STR7!RT C--',RS, TRAFFIC RT'GTJLATIOivS. The operators of street cars shall comply with all traffic regulations in so far as their being on rails will permit. -14- Section 101. 2MULTIL ;S. Any person violating any of the sections of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than tivo dollars and eo,,,st costs nor more than five dollars and court costs, unless specifically provided for further in this section. Iny person violating any of the following sections of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined or punished as follows: Sections 8 and 6". .Any sum not less than five dollars and court costs nor more than twenty -five dollars and court costs. Sections 26, 279 289 299 30 and 33. piny slue not less than twenty -five dollars qnd court costs nor more than one hundred dollars and court costs. Sections 83. �Iny sum not less than ten dollar; and court costs nor more than fifty dollars and court costs. Section 79. Any sum not less than twenty -five dollars and court costs nor more than two hundred dollars and court costs. Section 102. IMMILIL;G. 11 ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herevrith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall tape effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed: Iay 26, 1924. Attest: h. L Cit Clerk. ti 1 o 1� ayor. (Published in the Little dock Daily News on Hay 71, l,?4.)