3569ORDINATYCE NO. 3569. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PL 1,1:3SION TO J. I-). RUITY� -N P'-1'D L. F. vtITERSFOONT -M? CONSTRUCT A STUCCO APARTItfENT BUILDING ON THE ZLST HUP OF LOTS ONE -ND TWO, BLOCK SLVi ITT' N, POPE'S iiDDITIOie '''0 T? ,' CITY OF .ITTI,- ROCK. B IT ORDAI1 ED BY THE CIi'Y COUI7CIL OF TEL CITY OF I I`�TLE ROCK: SECTION 1. That permission be, and the soave is hereby ;ranted to J. P. Runyan and L. F. '�o itherspoon to construct a two -story stucco a�nartment building°, with metal laths and comnosition roofing, on the 'Nast 2 of Lots One and Trio, Block Seventeen, Pope's nddition to the City of Little Ro ck. SLC'�'ION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only insofar as they affect t':is ordinance, and this ordinance shall take effect from ar:d after its passage. PASSED: July 7, 1924. s ATTEST: °� "" City Clerk � Y •+5 i ORDINATYCE NO. 3569. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PL 1,1:3SION TO J. I-). RUITY� -N P'-1'D L. F. vtITERSFOONT -M? CONSTRUCT A STUCCO APARTItfENT BUILDING ON THE ZLST HUP OF LOTS ONE -ND TWO, BLOCK SLVi ITT' N, POPE'S iiDDITIOie '''0 T? ,' CITY OF .ITTI,- ROCK. B IT ORDAI1 ED BY THE CIi'Y COUI7CIL OF TEL CITY OF I I`�TLE ROCK: SECTION 1. That permission be, and the soave is hereby ;ranted to J. P. Runyan and L. F. '�o itherspoon to construct a two -story stucco a�nartment building°, with metal laths and comnosition roofing, on the 'Nast 2 of Lots One and Trio, Block Seventeen, Pope's nddition to the City of Little Ro ck. SLC'�'ION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only insofar as they affect t':is ordinance, and this ordinance shall take effect from ar:d after its passage. PASSED: July 7, 1924. s ATTEST: °� "" City Clerk � Y •+5