3591lk 4ua i . �WrAt� �I ORDINANCE k 35 1. AN ORDIIUNCE AUTHOTI�ING THE: B0 ^D Or PUBLIC AFFAIRS TO =ER IT.TO LEASE .MG =— 1HNTS ITH THL :11G1nI7D I1NyST12XT COL?GIff A1-.D E. H. KR BS, 0.i,'I ERS, RES.P CTIVELY, OF L02S 7, 8 and 9 and LOTS 10, 11 and 12, BLOCK 109, CITY OF L 12TLE ROCK FOR 211], USE OF SAID PROPERTY BY THE CITY 1L'-P=T COIN" ': I OTI FOR THE OPy,Ar'I011 OF .."_"- MICIP.I, 4-04M CURB AT= -T, Ai ?D FOR Or2H-- ? FU"'OSES. BE IT ORMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE .CITY Or LITTLE ROCK: SECTION 1. That the Board of Public Lff $4rs be and the same is hereby authorized and directed to enter into lease agreements with the England Investment Com --any and E. Ht Krebs, o- waers, respectively, of Lots 7, 8 a -A 9; acid Lots 10, 11 and 12, Bloch 109, City of Little Rock, according to the terms of their respective letters filed with the City Clef1T, for the use of saic nronerty by the City Market Comission for the operation of the Iitunicipal ftatsiil- Curb Iarr.e t . SE;CTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. PASSED: July 21, 1924. A'iTEST A 'PESO TZ: Clerk r J. E.ENGLAND,JR, PR `SID ENT LLOYD EN ;r"*ND,VICE PRESIDENT t ENGLAND LOAN CO. CAPITAL #250,000.00 DAN M.BOONE,VICE PRESIDENT VIRGIL C.PETTIE,VICE PRESIDENT C.T. COFFMAN,VICE PRESIDENT t 9037 THE ENGLAND NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $360,000.00 LITTLE ROCK, ARK. June 38, 1924 City Market Commission, Little Rock, Arkansas. Gentlemen; 6 it 1�' ,) r ,r Attention Mr. C.M. King POOLE E.RUSS,CASNIER CALLAN E.ENGLAND,ASST.CASHIER UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Confirming our verbal agreement this morning, we hereby agree to lease to your Commission Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 109, City of Little Rock for one year beginning July 1, 1924, for the monthly rental of 555.00 T,*r month, with the understanding that your Commission will pay the County and State taxes on this property. In case you accept this offer, we further agree that during the period you shall have an option of purchasing this property during the first twelve months, at the price of $20,000.00. This offer is to remain open until July 15, 1924. Very truly yours, W. F. B RACY, PRESIDENT V HOTELAND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 513 -515 MAIN ST. LITTLE ROCK,ARK. J.T. BRACY, VICE PRESIDENT. CHAS. FO'N EAL,5— -rnRV IL E. H. KR E BS,TR- -REIN. July 11, 1924. Market Commission, City of Little Rock, City. Gentlemen: With further reference to my letter of July 7th, suggesting the rental of three lots located on Sa.l. corner Ninth and Spring Streets, Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 109, City, I submit further for your consideration this -)lan: The store building to remain on Lot12 and to be occupied by the present occupant until lease expires. For the balance of the ground, including Lot 12 except a few feet required for the store building, I am pleased to fer you this at a rental of $50.00 per month for a ter one year with the privilege of renewal for another year. Respec �/siyb �tted,/� W. F. BRACY, P.ESIOE.T J.T. B RACY, VICE PRESIDENT. C HAS. F.O'N EAL,SEC..—RV. E. H. K R E B S,Tr Ens ER. r . HOTELAND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 513 -515 MAIN ST. LITTLE ROCK,ARK. July 7, 1924. Market Commission, City of Little Rock, City. Gentlemen; Acting upon the suggestion of the members of the Market Com 'ission, I gladly submit for your consideration the followrlg plan of rental on the property located at the S.M. corner Ninth and Spring Streets (Lots 10, 11 & 12, Block 109, City) . The price cannot be considered as a fair return on the investment as to the value of the property as all three lots are included in the Broadway and Main Street Bridge zone, also in the new Ninth Street Improvement district, it is my intention however to lend all possible aid to the cit; to make this project a success, and I am pleas- ed to offer the rental of the above for a term of one year with the privilege of renewal for another year at the rate of $55.00 per month, provided the city will move and set in place the frame store - building now on the corner of Ninth and Spring Streets to the property line on the alley facing Ninth Street. This building to be occupied by present tenant, who has lease and is not included in the above price. Size of this building is apnroxf_mately 25 by 50 feet. It is understood that the city will pay all county and state taxes but not improvement taxes. For information, said lots have water and sewer connection, and at present there are two toilets on lQ-Js 10 and 11. Respee tfu1,1,A,zz,subm;Xted,