3593�A 6 #. OF.D IN ONCE NO. X593 B.L.0UTTIN x All ORDINAi,TCE GRAFTING PERMISSI,`N TO iCt X= , ' TO INSTALL A S.PTIC 'TANK AT 2012 North Arthur AND FOR OTHER PUR POSES : - -- - BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF LITTLI, ROCKiAR;ANSAS: SEC'TI'ON& 1. That permission be and, the same. is hereby granted B.L.Cutting to Install a septic tank in the rear of his Yesidenoe or_ r i.s own property at 2012 North Arthur under sip- pervisi.on of the City Engineer, SECTION 2. That this ordir.aa_ee be in full farce and of -ect from and after its pa.ssa.ge. Pssed: July 21, 1924. _Attest: City erk Z,6 Approved Mayo r