3698P. O 'RGINAITCE NO. 3698. )RDINA IME FIXING TTY, S AT A RY OF TH CH IL i+' IAN [1Y .CF LITTLE ROCK ELECTRICAL DNPART';LENT, AlTI3 FOR OTI?�:R �''RPOSES . BE IT 01MAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 0y, T?-: CITY OF LITTLL ROCK: SECTION 1. That the sal .ry of the Chief Electrici --n of the City of Little Rock Electric tepartMent s1nll be Three Hundred Dollars a month, from and aft,�r JanWITY 1,1925, and the Liayor arb City Clerk are herob? authori ?ed --nd. directed to place him upon the payroll for that sum each month from and after date fixed by t 1i.s ordinance. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordin -races in conflict herewith are he2!eb7 repealed only insofar as this ordingnce is affected. Passe d: December 29, 1924. Attest: e rk Aoproved•