3708WA 3708 "el - OUI)IS"GA GXWISG TU '-,Ii" 41ATA J?,*JA ASEU(;jATj0,N OF -Z&-ASAS ill" RIGIV G ub� VAJA J?AkjL Y()!� 0SVIAIN PARIOUB 1A iid-w 1"AH MW FOR lu OTW PuRnar'se VIA CIV Of Little Rook 18 tho owner of oer. rpinge hest, "ownship I "orth, l. 'tain lands in section & A .4 'Pulaski County. Arkansas, purchased for the munjoipal purpose Of a public park and ?'uIr grounds, and oullod Fair Park, ; % zed k prior to Suoh purahvise, the :Ante Fair ,soo- otation of Arkansas, a non profit sharing corporatlon, organised under the Imm of this Otato for the purpoee of holding and oonducting munwal fairs, 6XV0,41tions and enter- tainments In and for the beriefit of the City of Little jook and ;Utute of Arkansas, ,did, in oonsideration of the prorlee of the Gity of Little nook to allow the use of such grounds 16r ouch public p;wposes, aroct certaiyi 'pormanent and val. uable ljuildlaga upon auld land i3z In which could be exhibited the twricultural and other productu of this Uute. and In which the realt*nts of Little Rook and otbers, aLght gather for their mutual benefit and antertainmnt, arA tw,ide other valuable Imp-rovemento thereupon,, t:-nd WILWMAD. large sums of mr,�nny don;Aod by the citizens of Little Rook and the Jtato of '.rkanaas wero oxpendad in making said improvo-,.-Ants upon ar-id groundu In aacerd- anoe with such undorstanding and, although the uUe of said properties was had by the Saoolatickn for the 19;A annual lair and entertainment without such agreemc-nt being reduoed to writing, and Phi t e, WJW'Ii�;AS 0 It ia "I Al propor -for the ber;ftf it of both tie City and the . -Yk ' s,'OQi&ti0n that tie agroements and under. etajidings heretofore rAde be reduced into the definite fOrr,a Of written frariohice, iii IT WWAULD By :jj'G C Zy GUliCIL op T; 1 4,� � ,T LITTLi� J100i" V - 1 1�1 y L,0 ThO GitY Of Little '.o,Sk doea "-ieraby A grant to the State Fair A*904iation of ��rkanstiu, 14n Oda. 04tiOnal first ituti0l, organised mdor the lzxwa of t;rje ►tate of ".rkansns, the right to U89 N*id ?air Park for period of thirty oonzeautive days during the 44�_ Of year for itate, pair nurposeg, for n period _6(474�yoara be- ginning on the lot day of 80Ptq"ber,. 1924 and erding on the 30th daV of = tugumit U 0 The Dytr t ieulnr thirty days in the saoh yep r QY­,11 be deterrined by said Pair ii-seocizution, and It shall deliver to tho city Clerk oml 'the City of Little R Ock for transmission to the #�. *V oe, City Counoi1,AjMMj1qj,,day notice in amj..Ice of the period of the time desired, and during the thirty daj period zPAmed in eald notice, tho posession of Fair 2ark to- ,ether with all buildinga. Improvementa, dtruoturei3, fixtures, appurtenances and overythlyyr, oomoated there- with, shall be delivered to said Pair AsSociation and placed under the control of Mach "XU0014tlon and Its auly authorised off ioers, A more definite deacription of 10air lark, the rjt."ht for the WO of which Is hereby ooriveyed by this franchise, ie na follows: Z76-f of Mae Northwest < U*W*,Or (Sw+4 the '111-Orth- at 4"U 'w %" or t"'-Aa M-mit :Torpl ?'"-u 'LlIa Sal in &�tlua 6 rise -t'44 all of Wa-k-06, I , a rA tl�, e oust h*If of 'b IA '74, ILOI Ot "humlin'Ohm's AJUIUM 9. wo 0"0 30., Vla T*Jriod WOMI In the I.r�tl'no hereln proyided for, Ott =146 11AWOCIAtiOn hwo 'the rv�h% t-) mcaude gil coa*erns and narpaT.ationg axoa'A w'azi I)t 4; -f mdh I=* in the natw* *r admiestorl 90430 or Otbaxwlmo* ,04 aAll be PrevaritifA by U** *m4A Pair twao*tationo during the ttme of kt*jjjrjL; -1100M t.�ja riqr haretabotbre awn,%i4m#j,, "d -JUIUC Vj*h p0jji4n of %Uitj 1104 ar r—V le --aea***aW for the I-rem-.r&*,jon flor ox the Twwml of mph teir jz wn terte juument* bezel n Oontainad a- ha" 01 aver us 4ouvtruod to ralleve --L� O-a� 046 A*td FAIr "kv-'Mliatian fr-'-,n it.# ,4,,obli7atton tm. boll a public fear, expool-tors "d cont'IrtcInviont aff 'Pteralu provided in the Acc AurUWAI"Ot4APo' $novel on &F unid Park. US said X'%Ir al.all lu'we OJIA In hsTeb7 ,,Iven tt,,* zirIA to alaxga meh mran, cr rer,te, or 1,068 a n its diaorotian t,.,.ay n -= per for 3paoe Lu ar4 �mlldlagag, or lwloir %x -4e uoe o-'' xwq portilan of Ox -"'ar inald d1irtnP, wab 07VT .Page Y PewlOfl 3hall r'xAk;3 m4h Uee -3f mid rro jd Old 411 AIT%3 Of Zlftid PTOPOTti,03 43 LMV :)6 UI*j7TOprjAtO, n0ossowwt or Ingidwital to the V=Pases ane, no! $ for VP.A*h the Use :.,If amah gruuwx its here4 gruated to sa"th ('17TON So Durim! b, it., , f t period 0,46 bis b33 3i he I tW N 0441 I t t 1�4 1V00 r the #treats* Piduwalite, oeuer"e, vat linos, and light and power ux,.Pv; sai4 Put in nvot oiass k)an_ ditioA ana iA Nuch mamer thet laid mv bo US*& 8;9 U PUblia 17"it# M& Will 914,16 rztd k4" Sn , good 0M. Iltioa at leant four Otreate froz, t%O SOVU. Onterirts into slid karto and in LrO .9hid Park, traX.D.co. 3SOTION go Zy. ft-fflio-halse. tho vt.U4 tour titre- vto from V-ta Worth enter- iii cjrCor to pr;-...!,arI7 tp,',.c *&.ro o �Irir�g yerx parLOIA ellf tkim ?qlr 'Aa,'"00intion AhA11.0 nat ItA Own ooq,t and axpunse. i'mintain, imd, veo,,q in r1rot Olass re- pair,, all of tba 4alldlntu mid Imp-rora-m-ents not peci_ ""104 In. Ubw pr*00a,"Lag uoatloz md now wpou s:old ankli shall at IAA ovin oast wnd *=pmao, keer, in firet alas conditton and ,vaintaro all suah Abor t 11 as aq bo oweated therein drink the toxin of this frameMse, UsOiup, mia bulldla,go and Improv", AU a,% Z31 timbs in a atghtiv an4 swfa Oarviitioav aU4, in 004. 9MIleratt-m ".­'_'Iwrve�f ,kallo durlm� en IVO u ; V ic tire two rio.a4iha al ,�a" of this traiahleas b-ave awivrol ot and readiva Vqo xo-yonaeg IAvVrAI from twiwromis 'iii t"I'lin Uid late` z. 1U01u&3,Ag that roosiYed from gntruuo# a 5767 P�fqe_ �' duo &. foosip o0noossiouls, MiViloges, YontAl Of bUildinge and In any othoy unnn►rs Provided, that t1y_t net pr.roflt thfirnfrom shnlj Uq expended in 300ordanae with the next fleation Of this franchise, 7, It is un6erstood by both pqrtins that for this propA r opqrstion 0-f said pnrk and tb holding of the fair contemplated, tho ml-Untananoe of % **066W fw1d limcessiry, nad Ifor suoh pur;XW4�Jrout of the not Income of the Gaid Fqiz Assou inn io '!jj a �_**Und of Twenty-flve 2%oupW lollare (t-25.000.00) 01q,11 Iso sot asue W-1011111INW: ..v-WV 00011ift-'"'** ifter4opw ep."'Uotlou VfW"Now, sm4un-I z 0'4 lbo remslnlrk-�t portion of the net tnoomo derived by said A"OsIxtion In My way fraM Said erouWe 0-1 the Use tb*re0f, Or frON 66Y f nire 0 -, or other entortaim"'nts, or "Iny Otb!!4r uses to "W"W. wh to h e PA 6, er grounds mqy, b o =Iut # sht U be 1. 1v id o:'4 and e xpond ad na f 01 kow va wlenty-iv P r oent of tho ro-_%&Lno�jr of eaW nit &.ncome , 7tx - V -0 (41 - l beepont �po t&W rt 6 s younds ,0q:der tbro direat-lart of the ("Ity louf.oil ot, t� "Ity of ITAttle, Aoxg r6ld the Y-MM.Pin ft�' onventy five per cont the =re of oh-111 ba spent by the Bo%Y8 of Itizootois as propor officials of then anif Vfilr .:3vooiation for the Mointmn'Ina of the parks erounong buildinj,4!s vk inprovnm rots, or the oom-Aruation of suob now build ins or lmprovvs 'ztx an may, in the disaretion *,.t tho offialvkln of tho suld toeaei%*Uons seeri bast. TON B In' OY" /V O buileinges ef-ivides, oy improvements shall b�- p1noed upon the grrounds by privets exhibitors or o0naessionaires eXoePt,u&PT permit or RU44hority of t Ill lag 00 t st i nf �! hll buildings shall bm loonted in suah planes no shall bo 4esign-ttod by the .4ngjn0jXSL' Or ttrohiteots employed by Said A860013ti0n, nn d SL MildinJV Or devices 27(,7 �qe 67 placed upon the gToure.s by priv*te *xhlbitore or a0nQ1f!8si0n.%1Te8 uh%11 remmin the proporty of those orectine, the smm� if 00 pray i(,ed in the permit or authorlzrktion for tbt.-IT OX90tiOn- Thell- 69 reagonable invaXoMe UPOn Ot build i w e, IMPTOVOKents OM ytes nagg within g&id putt during the perloa ok this fr nohis thA promiWas 'kUZ*ILP40 SWU paid by said,,,Aesou tat ions such pyopoyty to be "MuXed under the blqnkot Inmrsace plm used UI)on City property. In ,seise of lose bf nny or amid buildings, imp.rov r 0 a -my monr7 Goll"at d on Goonat of aqjC Joe* sbell: bey rainvosted in onid Vropeyty b- WV Of repair oy r000natiruetton of the pyoperty dantT*Ysd Or da►%W# 01 MY bA, 6-.zY.*nd0d in tmpyovom"nts W' 'V dift"rmot 17P but in all oveats sball b,* rolavestod within 8,11id, 2sylt, 3RCT1 0N I'le ThO Slid 1-'*aiT ee oo i st ian k1hall Pr-rote"' In6malfro and h0JA h4 loss the (AA7 of Little UOOk k,"Minst any ootl% or expame whatovor br,.)u,-','n% about bg injury or 60-T to attirz Ix-irson o-, prop-,fl Wo ronsl Or -tafteXtOd to %nY Pf'71%On"t oona,,.,*rnst or -soar po7at.10n* V%kin,! PIRCO OT 000wring upon 9T '116 8 during the timii anid Fair Associft.11oft ahrtll bq in possession tho zoo f, tandfq thin franchise* U ling 0 . ur the tw1hitty 6V PoriCeAp posgession of said in aptIA yens by avid Ansooistion, zach f,gG0Qi,_1t1oA pill defray all expanses of mAintaining the inoludln4 the expense of Po"r W lighting, thle provision to be aonstrued %a oxoqption to the general provision In rogftzd to , ha Wev'17, The thf, GxPLMSO Of 8111d ?MTko PYO-1'1"d ag 00 Iq 40 . tion shAll at no I Ina bo reisponsil3la !'or thO cost Or SYP"as• of saint .-Unim-,; the %00: prow i6A r11TXhf"T th%t '04#! P01100 ,ad Ire p7oteatlon shall b-,i m�Lntt.iced by the Oity, InalUding the m,,itntn*%n,.,o of a fiTO StgtlOu -'Athin the Pfirk grounCa* and shftl also furnish %taff to mr1r,tings ehcnqln; the most dirs3at Touts to %I* psyt from the 6own t",n sou tiom, and from tho m%in traffic Arteiries C 76, F -7- dux in ft* P471*69 Who on tho fAly rund AsIl keep tho entire grounds in n annitn , y y qn6 ale �t 00& It ion lk=ugbout the entire yetr. 320TION 12. luring 0,,i on*o1re period oo thle fy. an ch1se I nad twolTe mouth* of each ye,.%r t)rrsof 9 tbO Fair A20064tio8 8h&ll be In ooa%Iguous POVIkess"on of the race truk tia ;o- P"O 444V 1441- alao tbo' Office Uuildlng of the Assoatntibn, i%nd tho rat denQ0 &1-0491ed by the Manngor Of tho = insouinLion,bolng the "-'utton PrOPPYtY, ftnd as Bart 0-f the a0midezation .or the erantln�? 0-40 this fr-inchines the kl'°Innqer of $laid titmoolation shall serve no .13upolintradaut of Pqjr mark unafi,r the direction of the Off"(128 qnd PYOPOY 00mmIA1004 Of tho CitY of Little- :ook, The matntenotnee Of nn awmal ztate F-air b-Ing f*,r tk(, brist interests, the eduention and advanoemant Of thO P-Orlrl Of Little Rook and the .4tates tho City on its pact -Ao-zoea to J-Iafq�z'p no eizzusem, Q2 major outdoor onter tnif V3 In %av por v.jou OX the a ity (lux juj- t1j(* Wrjot� 0: ontortatwvmt hr-jld by the "1030ciation -%nd the people, of Litt 1p "100k A-121 thf, A-4to of Aricans%v, within notid ',ftrk. This PzOvisiOn is f0T tho -u-0 r.;Ooe of preventing private enterprigag operated Afor P131,Att t'rm interfering with the public Lairs, fes"T'llt', "tQ, OV070►6 not for pro,'it but fox tilm eduostion and advmt;enent of tho resident.s of this City nom, of the Stat►* 6,60TMI 14., SO 11�8nva ox t-,tx shall he ohrtrged U-POn VW OxhlbitiOnst Gonuesoloaso o otirr inter privies one rated within alAW ?nrk. b.,7 "-tU Atr 80ctmtl.on. - YUTTOX lt. The f V1fMrf1.mt Provlsioray of this fTmWhi34 Oball be cwnoldvrod aepaviblot ind my nojuejontion h0ldIA4 -%V spatinn, Provision. altu;tjo or phrnso of this fjowhIss to b,-.i voj , Invilia *:r inoporativet r-,h n ,11 not ftf at the v--ilidtly of the remaininkz v3a%jonao py*yjgjo&s0 of es car phy, _%sea. 276 F + 3- , . P-ITTIM 16* This Ord la -anue uhall take effect aW, in forr'.9 fy mm PmA Sf toy Its Soomptance In wTiting Upon the margin of the Clo'We roo*V6 of Ordinances, such aacjnpt�noe b-,-, .nj; -,*. itlhtn .,% PeT 10d of ton deja f rem dr *:r it a p %E� ge, and vhn3-1 bp OX"Outed I*y the duly authorined officors of the 'tsxte 10,ity Ansontation of A3*gafto# and A cop► Of thn Unra Of DiraOtOIS 80 a4tharizirigr vuoh off teem to f4acept this f'rawhiso oh*ll to filed in the cleTkts offlo" W1th the oritirml Go-q 0 A 'y -0 this ftanohimot App,yoved -0 q o"l- A ttq at