3709Yom.. 9 j ORDINANCE NO. 3709• AN O'-RDIi,AIICE FIXI %G 0 4 RTAIN r, -,, ,ms IN rn -? nv cir,11 - ?�r� C ���-�� +��T 1 2ZE' �_ : JI-.. O ZIlI.1JL = lV'�li,Aill ^.V :M� ' Be it ordained. by the cite council of the Cit- of Arkansas: �v Section 1. t ' , t o Aii + be fixed That one yti d �r_ of �h�; .��.:..�� at 27 feet on 1jim Street, from the north line of IIar�� ham Street . y� to the -,out " - line of Lee Avenue, and that the width of the e be fi< >ed at 24 feet on A w 3 ?C C streets res.0ectivel`r from the west line of Elm street. to the east 1_ine of -lose Street and t1--at the width of the be fi7ced at 97 feet on IL-ark-ham, Street frond the Guest line of Cedar Street to the west line of Elm Street, Section 2. That all o .•dinances find -)arts of ordinances in conflict hereT,;ith ate hereby re- pealed ana this ordinance shell tal-e et--"ect and be in force fror�. and. after its passage. Passea: January 12, 1925- Approver M, - - k