3730OftDix,mm: No. _3730. AN ORDIRtIMB FIXIM '­DM'v - - - � 01 Z Y 111NO OF F-'�1FMC'-'SDUL' PSTITIONS PROVIDED WIR BY AMEADMELT 110. 13 TI. V-L] COXTITUTION OF -HA STATE OF ARK AN&AS, AM Yen JjT,0LrLATjNG TqE PRG=URE THPMX-iN. BE IT OM) 11M BY TIE CITY Ct,UMCIL OF TIM CITY OY LITME ROCK: _4 L 11 1. ill referendum Petitions under Amendment n So' 13 to t-"e Constitution 01 the State of Axkamas, on pages 481 tc 4839, inclusiTe, of t1le General Acts 01' the General Azoembly of the State of Arkansaa of the your 1919, must be filed with the City Clerk within thirty days aft*r the paeaag* of eml, ordinance. 8,307PICN 2. Whenever any referendLm petition iz filed tie city council cliall :'.Ave notice by p"lication :to, one insertion of a tine not les.- tWin five days after Vlie publication of such notice at which t).]&.Y will hear all persons 11ho 'wish to be heard on tee queetion uheth,-.r such petition is eigned by the requisite number of petitioners. At the time named tie city council So 1 1411 meet and hear all who wish to be hekxd on the queetiont �a�d its deaigjon Esku.,ll be fiml* unleus «u .t is brought in the Chancery court of Pulaski county within thirty days to review its action. SECTION 3. If the city Council finds tint Mach Petition iE sieu-..ed by the requisite number of Petitioners, it 61all order a special ele-ction tc determine by a vote of the qMlified electors wbet4cr the crdinance shall s "i d or be revoked. The date for such election sball be not less than ten driys after the order theca for has been riade by tie council, zvd said election Gi,.ialbe had and con- ducted as general municipal elections helc in the City cP' jjLtjc Hook. ENCTICN 4. If any ordinance referred to the people is defected at the polls, tile city council sh-all side note o I f f3 uch f,--Ct 0�. r4 0 and sb&U ex.,unge such ordinance from; iis tiles by erasing U3a same with red ink. SWTION 5- If any provision of thin ordinance is held to be void, it shall not z4ffeet tie val_i,-.ity of tile ren—Lin der , but t.LA r,erjaindear ahall st&j1d. 5RCTION 6. It is bereby ascertained and deelared t4 ;t by reason of the he inrlebtedne _zs hark;ixie over tile 411fity of Lift tle Rock and accruin,; prior to t' adoption or -Wendmnt No' "' to "-e ConotitutiOn Of t1'* St&tc Of Ar!A.Usas, t1te said City is unable to procure or maintain proper facilities fur the exUnction of fiv4z-, propcx Police protection. or proper oaf e- -mrds for tie 1,ublic health, a4d therefore in order tlutt t, re may be a proxipt referendum on any ordirvuncez necessarj for the protection of the public peace, health and safety, it iv, declared that an emergency exists, L-Axing it necessary that this ork- � nx.,_,jae should take eiteot immediate4 SPr tile 1,reservation or th&- public PWW*, hLealth and safety, and this Ord Inr-nce anall take effect and be in force from and after i to pasuage. Paesed:Tebruary 23, 1025. Attest: City Clerk. App roved: kayo r.