37394 J_.i, I1�r\J Li 1 .el it\ Y' �IAil_.l 1J \'U10 l.� 1.:1�S1J.J — , w. ,rr -ALAS, more than ten owners of real proj)erty within the mounds herein mentioned have petitioned the cite council of the city of Little : ock, -Irkansas, to tare stey�s 1ooki.n4 toward the making of local improve- ments therein by constructing curbs and gutters on each side of the folloVding named streets, to -vit: r Street from prospect ;venue to'a,-lor street ; I Street from .2rospect Avenue to G: for Street; J Street frorri_rospect avenue to a,!lor Street; r; Street from .'-,rospect -:ver<u_e to fad for Street ; _ :- -r-rison Street from h Street to Y_ Street; Tyler :street from L Street to H Street -yid oll: :Street from I, Street to h Street; -nd bl- constructing storm seviers in said district where the commissioners (to be hereafter selected) may deem them necessary; the work to be done of such materiEll as the commissioners riay deem best. :i.`.:i �_ vii 3L 1 i C ;,�r Il,:u- �i � � �I i� (.UUT4LIZ C i.ection 1. lILA %Uro, "utter L.na Storrs Sevier :)istrict loo. 4.16 of the City of little :ock, Arkansas," ::I1 .0111 �.J ,rr -ALAS, more than ten owners of real proj)erty within the mounds herein mentioned have petitioned the cite council of the city of Little : ock, -Irkansas, to tare stey�s 1ooki.n4 toward the making of local improve- ments therein by constructing curbs and gutters on each side of the folloVding named streets, to -vit: r Street from prospect ;venue to'a,-lor street ; I Street from .2rospect Avenue to G: for Street; J Street frorri_rospect avenue to a,!lor Street; r; Street from .'-,rospect -:ver<u_e to fad for Street ; _ :- -r-rison Street from h Street to Y_ Street; Tyler :street from L Street to H Street -yid oll: :Street from I, Street to h Street; -nd bl- constructing storm seviers in said district where the commissioners (to be hereafter selected) may deem them necessary; the work to be done of such materiEll as the commissioners riay deem best. :i.`.:i �_ vii 3L 1 i C ;,�r Il,:u- �i � � �I i� (.UUT4LIZ C i.ection 1. lILA %Uro, "utter L.na Storrs Sevier :)istrict loo. 4.16 of the City of little :ock, Arkansas," r� a be and the same I is creL.ted , laid out and established for the purpose of constructinE_ curbs and gutters on each side of the followin ;� named 4 streets, to -vit : F Street from Prosfect Avenue to Taylor utreet; I Street from "Y'rospect .venue to �aylo-r Street; i Street from rrospect _'-venue to °aJlor Street; i' Street from 2rospect ',venue to Ta7lor titreet; garrison atreet from L Street to z Utreet; `i'`,ler 'street from I, Street to H Street and yolk ;Street from L Street to _11 Street; and by constructinL storm seviers in said uistrict ti�ihere said commissioners shall deem therii necessary ( the work to be clone of such material as the cor.imissioners may deem best) , in accord rice rj ith an Pict of the General "ssembl� of the State of .Irkansas entitled "Ail Act To 3eg I_Ue the l•Kw'7�ler of - lssessing eat �ropert`- :,'or Local improvements In Cities of the 2irst ai-id Second Class," approved . =e.rch 22, 1881, and ari?endz-:er-its thereto. Section 2• Tht.t tie District hereby created, laid out and established shall include that portion of the 'vita;' 0-.i' - -lttle -10G�, .�'Li1�,:�i�1 tJ011nt�-, ..'�rl�- .,2: ='�.5, (i °�'oG "rlUed, as 0 110ws, t0 -t'dit All of 3locks 1, 2, 6, 7, cs, 9, 10, 119 14, 15 and 16; =ots 1, 4:, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6 aid 9 In 3loc: 3; all ir= .oIlenberg's Addition to the Cit7: Of yi' e -;ock, 'alas� -i %ounty- .'.rkansas; nd, rots 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1C, 17, 18, 19 n 2U in 31ock 1; rots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 1T, 18, 19 and N. 2(; in 3lock 2; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 16, -3- 19 and K in block 3; all in Lincoln 1arh _addition to the GitV of Tittle Rock, Pulaski 'County, _ar''nnsas; y .. mad, All of 3locks 48, 49, 50 and 51; rots 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 in 3lock 43; hots 1, 2 and 3 in 3lock 44; in Alaski Heights' Addition to the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County-, Arkansas; Section 3. That all ordinances and parts of ' ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby ' repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication; and the City Clerk is hereby ordered within t +dent days from the passage of this orlinance to publish same in some newspaper of general circulation in the )ity of lithe =roc__, "rkansas, for one insertion. Passed: February 23, 1925- Attest: Cit Clerk. y Approved: Mayor.