3744r• + � f ORDINANCE NO. 3744. AN ORDINANCE UANTI NG TO WILLIA14 BACK „ AND SOPHIA BACK, AND THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS, T?fr RIGHT TO EXCAVATE TTrTIIER TIC SI DES .Ul-S ON :S OUT H MAIN STR ET ADJACENT TO LOT 510, IN BLOCK '53T7, IN TTI? , CITY 0? LITTLE ROCK, TO A SINE SEVEN F'T;ET WEST OF TT* VIE f1 PROPERTY LI . '• ()'' SAID LOT AND TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN IN SAID ?EXCAVATION %TBSTRTTCTTJIZF:3 AITD BAST-ENT ?TCIR A BUILDING TO BE ER")CT ^D ON SAID LOT. BE IT ORDAINR4D BY TFY, CITY COUNCIL OF Section 1, That William Back and �3ophia Back being the owners of Lot Two ( 2), in Blocrc Six ( 6), in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, and now engaged in excavating said lot for the purpose of erecting thereon a buil dingl N(T'TIq the said William Back and Sophia Back, and their heirs and assigns, be and they are hereby granted permission to excavate under the sidewalks on ,outh Main ;Street adjacent to the said lot, said excavation to extend to a line 7 feet Vest of the west property line of said lot, and the right to maintain therein the substructures and basement of said pro- posed building, for a period of ninety -nine years from the date of the passage and ap=proval of this ordinance. 5eotion 2, That the Board of 13ublic Affairs of the City of Tittle Rock is hereby authorized and instructed to enter into and complete a lease for the use of the above men- tioned mace under sidewalks by William Back and Sophia Back , and their heirs and aseigns, for 8 period of ninety -nine years from the date of the passage and approval of this ordinance at a rental of .1,00 per year. Section 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith be and the sartie are hereby repealed; and, this ordinance being necessary for the imme- diate pr eserva ti on of the public peace, health and safety an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its i)assage. Passed: March 9, 1925. Attest: Appr ty Clerk. Mayor.