3749ORDINANCE NO. 3749 An Ordinance Laying off a Certain 2ortion of the City of Little - Bock Into a Local Improvement District and Desig- nating the Boundaries Thereof, Said District To be Known as Pulaski Heights Sewerage District No. 101 , j and for other purposes. 11-41-ereas, more than ten (10) ovfiners of real property within the boundaries hereinafter mentioned have petitioned the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, to take steps toward the making of local improvements therein, and by acquiring the rights of way and constructing a system of sewers, to be located and constructed in the places and in the manner and of the materials that the commissioners of said district shall deem for the best interest of said district; Now, Theref ore; BE IT ORDAINED BY 2HE CITY COUNCIL OF THP CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1: chat Pulaski Heights Sewerage District Number 101 of the City of Little Nock, Arkansas, be, and the same is hereby created, laid out and established for the purpose of acquiring the rights of way and constructing a system of sewers to be located and constructed in the places and in the manner and of the materials that the commissioners of said district shall deem for the best interest of said district, the primary purpose of said system of sewers being to server all of said area hereinafter described, beginning at the proper points to be selected by the commissioners and constructed along the most practicable and feasible lines into the Arkansas River, all in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas entitled, "An Act to Regulate the Manner of Assessing Real .property for Local Improvements, in Cities of the First Class," approved :darer 221 1881, and amendments thereto. rJ -2- at H. 11. Armistead, Lawrance C. ten and Dan Boone b and \th.ey are here:jy appointe ogAissioners of said distri t and hereby authorizec,o appint assessors who shall assess the b Xec tone real pperty in said i nprove - ment district and he same upon the real property sit ted therein, t of said fmprovemint shall not excfeed Or# 'Eundred Twenty -IL"Ne 240usand Three = Hundred Thirty- Lit Dollars and Thirty Cents 14-6). Section 2: the property to be included in said district shall be all that property lying within the follow- ing described boundaries, to -wit: Beginning on the Township Line between Townships One (1) and Two (2) North, Range twelve (12) JJest of the Fifth (5th) Principal T:eridian, in the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, at the Southeast corner of Block Twenty -nine (29), Worthen's Subdivision, City of Little Rock, Arkansas, Jb r a point of beginning; thence north along the East Boundary of said Block Twenty -nine (29) to the South bank of the Arkansas River; thence along the I'-Autherly and 7, esterly bank of the Arkansas River to the North line of the South One -half (�*) of Section Thirty -three (33), Township Two (2) North, Kange Twelve (12) %Jest; thence West on said line to the One- Quarter Corner ,i between Sections Thirty -two (32) and Thirty -three (33), Town- ship Two (2) North, Range Twelve (12) crest; thence North along �I the Fast side of the Southeast One - Quarter (SE';) of the North- east One- Quarter (N V), Section Thirty -two (32), to the North- east corner thereof; thence 'rest along North side of said Fo3$y- acre tract six hundred sixty (660) feet; thence North to the North line of Section Thirty -two (32), Township Two (2) North, Range Twelve (12) ,"Jest; thence West along Forth line of said ii Section Thirty -two (32) to a point six hundred sixty ( 660) feet West of the <uarter corner ' etween Sections Twenty -nine (29) and Thirty -two (32), Township Two (2) North, Range Twelve (12) West; thence Uorth six hundred sixty (660) feet; thence 'kest six hundred sixty (660) feet to Bast line of ;southwest One- Quarter (SW-1 ) of the Southwest One- wuarter (SVJ2) of Section Twenty -nine (29), Township Two (2) North, Range 'twelve (12) S 7y9 -3- Wiest; thence North along mast line of said Forty -acre tract rge3 three hundred thirty (330) feet; thence West to the West boUrdwry of said Section 'Twenty -nine (29) ; thence North to the Northwest Corner of said Southwast One- Quarter (S4Q ) of the Southwest One - 'Quarter (SAN ), Section Twenty -nine (29) ; thence ''lest to the center of the Southeast One- Quarter (SE1) of Section Thirty (30), township Two (2) north, Range Twelve (12) li,'est; thence North to a point due Fast of the Northeast Corner of Block Tmo (2), Forbes Place Addition to Little Rock, Arkansas; thence Vest to the East line of the Southwest One- Quarter of the Northwest One- Quarter (N 'i1) of the Southeast One- Quarter (SEA) of Section Thirty (30), township Two (2) North, Range Twelve (12) West; thence North to the North line of tha South One -half (S2) of the North One -half (NA.-) of the South One -half (S} of the said Section Thirty (30); thence West to the Blest line of the Nast One -half (E-2L) of the Viest One-ha lf N-2L) of the said Section Thirty (30); thence South to a point on the North line of Prospect 'Avenue due nest of the Southwest corner II of Block Twenty -two (22), Newton Addition to the City of Littl e- Rock, Arkansas; thence East along the North line of Prospect Avenue to a point due North of the Northwest Corner of Block Two (2), Englewood Addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; thence South to the Northwest Corner of the said Block two (2) ; thence South along the '~lest lines of Blocks Two (2) and Three (3), said Englewood Addition, to the Southwest Corner of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Three (3), said Addition; thence ast along the aouth side of said Lot Fourteen (14), and said line produced, to the Northwest Corner of Lot Eight (8), 3lock Three (3), said Addition; thence South to the Southwest Corner of Lot One (1), Block Three (3), said Addition; thence East along the South side of Bloch Three (3) , and South side of said Block produced, to a point on the South side of Block Four (4), 'ngl e- wood addition to Little :hoc «, said point being dua North of the Northwest Corner of Lot Forty -seven (47), Prospect Terrace Addition to the City of Little Nock, Arkansas; thence South to the Northwest Corner of said Lot Forty -raven (47); thence in a Southerly direction along the ,lesteriy boundaries of Lots S -4- 112K Y Forty -seven (47), Forty -eight (48), Forty -nine (49), Fifty (50 }, Seventy -six (76) and Seventy -seven (77), Prospect 2arrace Ad- dition, and said 'boundaries produced, to the Forth side of Lot Eighty -nine (89) , said Addition; thence Southwesterly along the North side of said Lot Eighty -nine (89) to the northwest Corner thereof; thence Southeasterly along the ; °esterly boundary of said Lot Eighty -nine (89), to the Southwest Corner thereof, said point being on the North line of Crestwood Drive; thence in a Southerly direction along the Westerly line of Crestwood Drive to the T,-orth line of 11111 Street; thence East across the inter - section of Crestwood Drive and Prospect Avenue to the East side of Prospect Avenue; thence Southerly and Easterly along the Easterly and Northerly line of Prospect Avenue to the Southwest Corner of Lot E ight (8), Block Seventeen (17), Pulaski heights Addition to the City of Little Sock, Arkansas; thence South to the Northwest Corner of Lot One f1), Block Sixteen (16), said Addition; thence South along the East side of alley to the South rest Corner of Lot Six (6), Block Sixteen (16), said Addi- tion; thence ast along the North line of "%'oodlawn Avenue to the Southwest Corner of Lot Five (5), Block Twelve (12), said Addition; thence South along the East side of alley to the Southwest Corner of Lot :Six (6), Block Six (6), said Addition; thence East along the North line of Lee Avenue, to the South- east Corner of Lot Zen (.10) , Block i1wo (2) , Pulaski Heights Addition to the City of Little _Rock; thence Forth along the Vest side of alley, to the Northeast Corner of Lot Eighteen (18), Block Lwo (2), said Addition; thence North across Prospect Avenue to the I 'lo rth line thereof; thence East, along the North line of Prospect Avenue, to the :southeast Corner of Lot Five (5), Block Uix (6), Auten and Loss Addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; thence North, along ',Vest line of alleys in Blocks Six (6) and Seven (7) , said Addition, to the North- east Corner of Lot Twelve (12), Block Seven (7), said Addition, on South side of "H" Street; thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary of "H" Street to the Northeast Corner of Lot One (1), Block Nine (9), 'East Pulaski Heights Addition to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; thence South along the East side of said Block Nine (9) to the Southeast Corner of Lot I- ree >--�a -5- ,�ar�e5 (3) thereof; thence 'Fast to the Ydest boundary of the Southeast One Quarter (SEA) of tha Southeast One - quarter (SE-I-) , Section Thirty -two (32), Township Two (2), North,Range Twelve (12) West; thence East to the East boundary of the said :section Thirty -two (32); thence aouth along the East boundary of said Section 2hirty- two(32), to the Southeast Corner thereof on the Township line between Tovmships One (1) Taorth and Two (2) North, Range Twelve (12) ',.vest; thence East along the South side of Section Thirty -three !33), LOownshiy Try , - y y. - � ., Range Twelve (12) 14+est of the Fifth Principal Lieridian, to the point of beginning, all situated within the Corporate Li-::its of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. :section 3: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed, within twenty days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, to publish the same in some newspaper of general circulation in the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for one insertion. Passed o March 9, 1925- Approved Attes City e r cT�.