4635. ?. ORDINANCE NO. x+635 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRI Ni+ THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY ABITT iNG ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EAST 61n STREET BETWEEN SCOTT AVD CUMBERLr�ND STREETS, AND ON `r tiE EAST SIDE OF SCOTT STREET BETWEEN bth AND 7th STREETS, TO LAY AND MAIvTAIIV A CUNCRETE SIDETALK ALUV: i SUCH PRUPEti , Y , AND FOR OTiiEh PUR-eUSES . Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas: Section 1. That the owner or owners of any property abutting on the south side of East btu Street between Scott and Cumi)erland Streets, and on the east side of Scott Street between 6th and 7tn Streets, be and the same are hereby requirea to bulld a. concrete sidewalk within sixty(bU) days frog, the passage of this ordinance, and to maintain a concrete sidewalk along such property where the same abutts upon the saia East 6tn Street, between the points here- in named, ana on the saia Scott Street, between the points herein named, of the king ana material in accordance with the specifica- tions recuired by ordinance, ana within the tinge herein specisied: the saia construction of the sidewalk shall be under the supervision of the City Engineer. Section 2. Anyone who shall fail to comply witn the provisions of this orcinance snall be guilty of a miscLemeanor, and upon con- viction in the Municipal Court, shall pay a fine of not legs than $5.00, nor more than 25.UO for each offense, and each day in which this ordinance is violatea, shall be -ana constitute a separate offense. Section 3. All orainances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereuy repealed only insofar as they affect this or- dinence, ana this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed: June 16, 1930. Approved: Mayor Attest: ty Clerk