4651ORD IIIAINCE NO . 4651. AN CRDITT r' �'CI DIRL'C T IZ; G TOTE ARI`�A_ 9A," 41ATEP, C 0�: 1= "Y TO IT?- STALL T7,O LT.;DLO`1 FIRE iiYDRANTS ON A 12" REINTFORCING LIPjL' IT ' "'ILL ITS, STALL ALONG VAL:AR (LOCUST) STREET, MST ROCK ADDITION TTyAR PLTLASKI STATION. BE IT ORDAI -:.�D r)Y TIC CITY COUTMIL OF _y :ITY OF LITTLE ROCK. Section 1. The Arkansaw ` aater Company is installing a 12" Reinforcing Line to its '?ulaski j -ei grits system and this 12" line tiiill run along ,ralmar (Locust) Street near Pulaski Station which at the present time is without fire protection. Therefore, to provide fire protection the -,,rkansaw 7,ater Company is hereby ordered and directed to install two Ludlow fire hydrants on this 12" rein- forcing line at the following locations: Northwest corner of 'dalmar (Locust) and L Streets. l orthv.,est corner of Valmar (Locust) and New Pulaski TT Heights Road. Section 2. These hydrants are ordered in ac- cordance with Section 8 of Ordinance TTo. 3290, passed August 13, 1923, and as amended by Ordinance 3442, passed Pyarch 24, 1924, and as amended by Ordinance 1',:o. 4356, passed July 9, 1928. erection 3. That all ordinances or parts of Ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only insofar as they conflict with this Ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed: August 11, 1930. Attest: 'ty Cl rk. App oved: Q i:1a yo r