4844A ORDINANCE, NO: 4844. :� ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF PUBLIC ii.FF -'.IRS TO ADV^' TISE FOR BIDS FOR THE I:ARK7yG &D LIGHTING OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ADJAOMTT TO THE IMUCIPAL AIRPORT AS LQUIRRD BY THE DITARTIEMT OF COMI CE AIM AS PER PLiZNS AIM SPECIFICATIONS 017 FIL- AT THE OFFI3 E OF MIE CITY T.17GINE: tZ. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LI'_TL3 RC ^K: - - - - = -y -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Section 1. The Board of Public affairs is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the marking and lighting of all Cbstructions adjacent to the 1.unicipal Airport, as required by the Department of lommerce and as per plans and specifications on file at the office of the 7ity Engineer. Section 2. _.fter adverti si -g for such bids t,ie Board of Public Affairs is directed to return these bids with their recommendations to the ity Council. Section 3. '..'his ordinance shall oe in force and take effect from and after the date of its, passage. asS 'D; March J0, 19 51. A':1T aT: _ APPROPam: ll e