4845l� ORDINA11ME N0: 46 5 * AN ORDIN_':IUE AUTIORIZING THE BOARD OF PLBLI'C AFFAIRS TO aDVERTIS E FOR BIDS FOR THE LANDSCAPING OF GROMMS AROUND THE TERMINAL AND ADIHNISTRATION BUILDII,G AND 00I1STORUCTIOLT OF NMESSiiRY WALKS AND CONCREUE AP-11011 ADJACM0 THMETO AS Prat PLANS AND SPEC IFICATIONS ON FILE IN TH3 OFFICE OF THAI CITY WGINEM, ii BE IT OAA N B -TH THE CITY "'COUNCIL "OF THE OITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. The Board of Public liffairs is hereby authorized Ind directed to advertise for bids for the landscaping of grounds around the Terminal and Administration Building and construction of necessary walks and concrete apron adjacent thereto as per plans and specifications on file in the office of the City "engineer. Section 2. lifter advertising for such bids the Board of Public affairs is directed to return these bids with their recommendations to the "ity %ouncil. Section 3. ''his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after the date of its passage. PASSL : bla -rch 30, 1931. ATT`" J1. amity ';le ,.ayor