4847ORDINANCE NO.-484,,I.- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS TO ACQUIRE TMES ON IAND ADJACENT TO THE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WHICH CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO AERONAUTICS AS SHOWN ON PLANS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENUIPEER. Be It Ordained by the City of Little Rock, Arkansasi Section 1. That the Boara of Public Affairs is hereby authorized ana directed to acquire,eitner by gift or other- wise, from the pr perty owners such trees adjacent to the Municipal Airport as constitute a hazara to aeronautics, as shown on plans filed in the office of the City Engineer, said trees to be removed by the City of Little Rock. Section 2. It being immeaxately necessary for the safety of air travel for the removal of such trees adjacent to the Municipal Airport wnich constitute a hazard, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall be in force from ana after the date of its passage. Passed: March -30,. 1� 31 . Attest: J-- City Clerk. Approved: 2