4922f rx � rj Aim 7r7 LA �.1�'t� V October 28th, 1931 Mr. 17-D. eabo, Jr. Attorney 2141 Louisiana St. city PMWW Dear Mr. Your petition asking that you berated a permit to construct a temporary building on the Northeast _ corner of Tenth and Broadw.a; Streets w�<<s granted, nro- vided you get in touch with Alderman John P. Baird, whose to i e --hone Wim —ber is 9228, place of business 924 East/3rd Street. Permit rye to sugge t f irtner that you also Iet in touch with the City Engineer if you have not already Clone go. Sincerely you.-s, Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 26, 1931. TO TI-T HOI`TORAB E IAYOR ALL) COUNCIL OI' THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARK. I hereby seek a permit to construct a temporary building on the ?North Fast Corner of Tenth and Droadi a:y. The building to be ten(10) feet wide, sixteen(16) feet long, and eleven(l1)k.; feet high; To be constructed of wood studding, metal lath, and stucco, with a composition roof and wood floor. This building to be used for a lunch stand, and will cost approximately Five Hundred, ($500.00) Dollars. Yours respectfully,