4937. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SE_ TION 4 OF ORDINANCE 3913 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1, That Section 4 of Ordinance 3913 be amended in its entirety to read as follows: "Drivers of vehicles and on of street cars shall not pass the property line on approaching intersections where electric signals are in operation except when the green light is shorn in their direction, provided, however, drivers of vehicles shall be permitted to make a right -hand turn when facing the red light, after the driver shall have first brought the vehicle to a complete stop and then proceeded forward after giving the hand signal for a right turn. In all cases where a right turn shall be made upon a red light, vehicles making such turns shall ive the right-of- way to pedestrians who may be crossing upon the light, flict h rewith are here`b/y / repealed. Passed: \\l \' , '-) Approved: Attest: Mayor e rx 1/ ,, k CITY OF LITTLE ROCK Date 193 — ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — Official Year 1931 -1932. Names of Aldermen WARDS Long Term First Votes Aye No FIRST WARD Connor, C. M. King, C. M. SECOND WARD Tuohey, J. H. Leiser, H. G. THIRD WARD Muswick, George ki- Wassell, Sam M. Winder, Ray FOURTH WARD Adkins, Homer M. FIFTH WARD Turner, Roy C. Lange, Wm. K. SIXTH WARD Shoffner, E. G. Duttlinger, C. H. Adams, George G. SEVENTH WARD Baird, J. P. Fisher, Merlin EIGHTH WARD Mrs. C. C Conner, . NINTH WARD Gladden, J. R Griffin, Leo H. _ CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- Il MENT HEADS II Office II REMARKS Phone MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton �; _ l 4 -8416 CITY TREASURER Oscar D. Hadfield ll 4 -2020 II MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Harb II 4 -3886 CITY ATTORNEY II II Linwood L. Brickhouse 4 -1123 CITY CLERK II • John L. Krumm 9613 II r.. CITY COLLECTOR James Lawson II 4 -1466 II _ CHIEF OF POLICE II II J. L. Bennett 4 -1234 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Charles S. H_ afer 4 -2851 II CITY HEALTH OFFICER Dr. Chas. R. Moon ` II 5402 CITY VETERINARIAN Dr. T. M. Dick II II 5402 �� J MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR Geo. D. Ellis II 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR Ewell Hopkins 5402 MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots II 6485 PLUMBING INSPECTOR I II E. L. Gruber I 4 -3000 CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland_ I� �I 4 -3508 CI II H. MarakER 4 -3000 PARKS AND SANITATION R. C. Rudisill 6813 II 7176 SUPT. CITY H. K. HOSPITAL CITY LIBRARIAN Miss Vera Snook II 8932 II I 4 -3508 II INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES T F AT.. *}-- Official term of Mayor, City Treasurer, Municipal Judge and appointive officers, expires in April, 1933; City Attorney and City Clerk in April, 1932. (Over) 3 i C R. MOON. M. D. % H. A. KNOWLTON CITY HEALTH OFFICER 1 MAYOR t i �R�G4 NS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH An Ordinance Amending Section of Ordinance By permitting motor and other vehicles to turn £o the right on a red light. Be It Ordained By the City Council of Little Rock; Section 1. That Section of Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended by the addition og the following clause thereto, Provided however that vehicles may make a right hand turn when • traffic signal shows red against them, after first coming to • full stop and further provided that all pedestrian traffic which may be crossing upon said red light shall have the right of way in such crossing. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are insofar a-s they do conflict hereby repealed. R.'- KERN. PRESIDENT FRED L. �HARGETT, SECRETARY LITTLE ROCK ENGINEERS CLUB P. O. Box 196 LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS November 23, 1931 Hon. Mayor and City Council, City of Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas. Gentlemen: A short time ago the Engineers Club of the City of Little Rock designated a committee to investigate some possible improvements in the traffic regulations, particularly on those streets that are served by the traffic lights and where there seems to be quite a great deal of uncessary congestion and a revision of the rules covering the movement of traffic at the corners where these lights are installed. It has come to the general notice of the members of the Engineers Club that in practically all cities and towns where traffic lights are used, automobile traffic is permitted to turn to the right while the traffic light shows red. This seems to us to shorten many of the delays caused at these points without any particular danger to pedestrian traffic. JVhile we know that pedestrians in Little Rock have been educated in the past to the fact that motor traffic will stop on the red light, we feel that with just a little additional education that pedestrians can be soon taught to watch these corners in crossing particularly if motor vehicle traffic is required to first stop at the red light, and then move ahead to the right into the side streets. We desire to bring this matter before you for your prompt consideration and hope that you will give it some attention, so that the traffic on Little Rock streets will be brought more in line with the general customs in other places and will be speeded up very much more than it is at the present time. RECEIVED and FILED N!Ovl'-'x 1 "1 JOHN L, KRUMM, CITY CLERK RAK:C Respectfully submitted, LITTLE ROCK ENGINEERS CLUB By &k4-n re s en