4938ORDINANCE NO. AIS ORDTNATSCE REGULATING T= ADMISSION OF PATIENTS TO THE CITY GINER_LL HOSPITAL: PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREFOR: Ai D 70R OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAIrED BY TIC CITY COUNCIL 0' THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance it shall be unlawful to admit any person as a patient to the City General Hospital for hospital care or treatment for any disease cr injury, whether a resident or non - resident, except the following: persons viho are residents of Little Rock, zrkansas, and are admitted only as charity patients, city employes who are injured in line of duty, or who become sick as a result of duty performed for the City of Little Rock, and emergency cases where human life is endangered. Section ?. AD11ISSION OF PATIENTS. The regular admitting hours are from 5:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. i,'. , daily. .Emergencies may be admitted any hour of day or night. All admissions shall first be approved by the Superintendent or one of his assistants. Only bona -fide citizens of Little Rock, who are sick or maimed or injured, and who are not able to pay for hospital service elsewhere, are eligible for admission to the hospital. rill patients applying at or admitted to said hospital shall be subject to such inquiry or requirements by affidavits as may be necessary to determine his or her economic status, and when it is found that the applicant, or his or her immediate relative is able to pay for hospital care and attention, the such applicant shall be ineligible for admission to said hospital. And if a patient gains admission to said hospital through misrepresentation or fraud, and is not eligible to the benefits of the hospital, the Superintendent shall take such steps as may be necessary to have such patient removed from the hospital. An emergency case is defined as one requiring an immediate operation, or urgent medical attention which can not be °iven in the home, inconvenience not considered, the need for such operation or medical attention arising or originating within the corporate limits of the city of Little Rock, or within the limits of the zone that may be established by mutual agreement with the other hospitals of the city. io patient afflicted With a mental disease or chronic conditions, which will not yiel to treatment, can be admitted or remain if admitted by 1 c. Page 2. Ordinance No. error in diagnosis or otherwise. The hospital must give preference to acute conditions, which can bed relie ed by treatment or operation. If it shall be found that any patient admitted as an emergency case has the funds throu7h private resources, insurance or otherwise, to pay for hospitalization, such patient shall be charged the customary hospital fees and be required to pay same; but following emergency treatment, if patient should prove to be a non - charitable case, he shall, with the approval of the attending physician, be removed to the hospital of his choice. Section 3. my person found guilty of violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of an offense, and shall be fined in any sum not exceeding X200.00 or sentenced to prison for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed: Attest: city rt >. . Approved: IJlayor . CITY OF LITTLE RO 93 Date 193 — ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — Official Year 1931 -1932. WARDS Names of Aldermen Long Term First Votes II Aye No — - - Connor, C. M. I II FIRST WARD King, C. M. SECOND WARD Tuohey, J. H. - Leiser, H. G. THIRD WARD Muswick, George / Wassell, Sam M. Winder, Ray FOURTH WARD Adkins, Homer M. ---- FIFTH WARD Turner, Roy C. II Lange, Wm. K. I a SIXTH WARD Shoffner, E. G. Duttlinger, C. H. SEVENTH WARD Adams, George G. Baird, J. P. EIGHTH WARD Fisher, Merlin �O Conner, Mrs. C. C. NINTH WARD Gladden, J. R Griffin, Leo H. - - CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- II MENT HEADS II Office I� REMARKS Phone j MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton �! 4 -8416 „ CITY TREASURER Oscar D. Hadfield II 4 -2020 II MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Harb____ _ - II 4 -3886 4 -1123 CITY ATTORNEY Linwood L. Brickhouse II CITY CLERK John L. Krumm I �� 9613 1 CITY COLLECTOR Lawson II 4 -1466 _ _James CHIEF OF POLICE J. L. Bennett I 4 -1234 (I CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Charles S. Hafer II 4 -2851 II (, 5402 y, CITY HEALTH OFFICER Dr. Chas. R. Moon CITY VETERINARIAN Dr. T. M. Dick II II 5402 _ MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR Geo. D. Ellis II 1 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR Ewell Hopkins I 5402 II MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots I 6485 II -- - PLUMBING INSPECTOR E. L. Gruber � 4 -3000 CITY ELECTRICIAN Lester E. Newland 4 -3508 II CITY W. H. Ma akER I 4 -3000 - PARKS AND SANITATION R. C. Rudisill - �I 6813 SUPT. CITY H. K. Ford d II 7176 (I -- CITY LIBRARIAN Miss Vera Snook I 8932 INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES ' N h r II 4 -3II 508 E. of wan, Official term of Mayor, City Treasurer, Municipal Judge and appointive officers, expires in April, 1933; City Attorney and City Clerk in April, 1932. (Over) "�` JAS. R. BROCK, Worthy President CHAS. W. McNUTI', Secretary LITTLE ROCK AERIE No. 60 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES TELEPHONES 4 -3574 and 2 -1539 114Y22 WEST FOURTH STREET LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS February 10th.1932 i'ihereas; The Fraternal Order of Eagles has long been interested in caring for the indigent poor, and, V;hereas; Our present Mayor,Honorable Horace A. Knowlton,has proposed that the General Hospital be put on a strictly charity basis,therefore be it, Resolved: That Little Rock Aerie t60 F.O.E.goes on record as favoring this proposal and pledges its support to Mayor Knowlton in this worthy project. Passed at our regular .meeting held February 10th. 1932. Attest, ecretary, Worthy President. .