4962rw r ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITI"iG BURIALS IN THAT PART OF OAKLAND CEO, ETERY WHICH WAS ON THE 20th DAY OF Y.ARCH, 1868, DONATED TO THE GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS, KNIGHTS OF TABOR ORDER OF TWELVE, TRIP.ITY LODGE NO. 33, ST. JCHNS LODGE NO. 8, AND RICHi::('I•;D LODGE NO. 2, EXCEPT UNDER CERTAIN 00i74DITIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAIiED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for the directors of that portion of Oakland CeL:etery described in the grexit and donation of March 20, 1666, by the City of Little Rock to the colored fraternal lodges narued therein, or any other person, to sell to any person or persons, associations or corporations any lot or plot or burial space or ground within that portion of Fraternal Cemetery lying between the high water boundary line and the south boundary line of said ceL:etery as shown by attached blue print, said high water boundary line being more particularly describes._ as follows: 4"4- x/ � /�, n�'M'�`�f,2�13,✓ .�I y G; Iw. FRA T EEI IAL CE -` °`ETERY Descriy-)tion of High slater Boundary BeGinnin,r, on a point near the east boundary line of the Fraternal Cernetery on the „est line of F.'agnolia avenue at the S.E.Corner of lot 79, block "C", which is also the N.E.Corner of lot 81, block "C", thence ..est on the boundary line between lots 79 and 80 and lots 81, 842 block "C" continuing on this lire to tiie center line of rejillo„ �`Lvenue, thence south on the center line of Willo" Avenue to the prolongation of the boundary line between lot 83 and lot 853 block "D" extended east, thence est across block "D" on the line bet „een lots 83, 84 and lots 85 and 86 to the center line of nine Avenue, thence south along the center line of Pine ilvenue to the north line of the 1st street south of i:iosaic :;venue running east and west, said line also being the south line of lots 93, 94 of both blocks "E” and "F "; thence .,est alons the north line of said street to the intersection ,,ith the center line of Cedar Y'venue extended south, thence south along the center line of Cedar 1'�venue extended south to the ':3oLuidary line between lots 95 and 97, block "u" extended east thence wrest across block "G" along the boundary line between lots 95, 96 and lots 97, 98, block "G" to the center line of Central avenue, thence south along the center line of Central Avenue to the boundary line bet„cen lots 99 any: 101, block "H" extended east, thence pest across block. I'H" along the boundary line bet.een lots 99, 100, and lots 101, 104 blocs "H" to the center line of Poplar Avenue, thence south along center line of Poplar Avenue to the boundary line betvfeen lots 103 and 105, blo k "I" extended east, thence ,.est across bloci: "I" alone° the boundary iii e bet „een lots 103, 104 and lots 105, 106, block "I” to the center ine of Elm Avenue, thence south alone tiie center line of Elm Avenue tole the south lire of lots 107 and 108, block "J" extended east, thence� "est across bloc- 3 AW r along; the south line of lots 1C7 and 108, block 11 T" to the center line of nsh iivenue, -tn::a:.pa:knk thence south alon{; the center line of Ash Avenue to a point 450 feet south of the south line of Tabor ,venue, thence "est on a line ;:5C feet south and parallel to the south line of Tuboz Avenue toxIti:e center line of Cypress _venue e:.t(;nded south, thence south _long tl,e center line of Cypress avenue extended south to a point 300 feet south of the south line of Tabor Avenue; thence ,.est on a line 300 feet south and parallel to the south line of 'labor Avenue to the center line of Walnut !,venue extended south, thence north on the center line of i'lalnut tivenue extended south to a line between lots 105 and 1071 block "N" extended east, thence east along boundary line bet;,een lots 105 and 107, block "Td" extended east to the center line of block "1," e tended south, thence north on the conter line of block IM"- extended south to a 1 -)oint .,hich is 1e0 feet south of the south line of `labor Avenue, thence ..est across Walnut avenue and alonL, the boundary line bet,,een lots 99 and 101, block "N" to the center line of block "N" thence south alonL- the center line of block 'IN" to the S. ",. Cornier of lot 10:�, block 1114"; then thence ,est alonL the boundary line between lots 102 and 104, block "H" and its extension to the vest boundary of Fraternal Cemetery. The above description is sho..n on attached blue print and boundary marred in the cer;ietery by iron pins. L( Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to bury, or cause to be buried, the body of any deceased person in the above described Cemetery without first 'raving secured a permit therefor from the City Clerk of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. Section 3. The City Clerk of =Erie City of Little Rock shall riot issue any permit for any such burial` except upon gooc_ and sufficient evidence being presented to him that the person or persons desiring- to undertake said burial or that the deceased who is to'be buried, is the owner of the lot or plot or burial space intended to be used for such burial or is otherwise rightfully entitled to such privileLe and that the lot or plot or burial space so intended to be used has never been used for such purposes before. Section L. Any Undertaking Company or person, firm or individual who shall bury, cause to be buried or assist in the burial of the body of any deceased person in such Cemetery without first having co "plied with the provisions of this ordinance wall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a, misdemeanor and shall be fined ih any suzn not less than: Fifty 050.00) Dollars nor more than One Hundred (tA00.00) Dollars, for each offense. from ay Passed: Attest: Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect after the date of it assage. OAR 2 8 N932 Approved: _ t Cl kayor