4967ORDINA1XE NO. 4967 riN ORDINAi ;CE REGULATII�TG BURNING OF TRASH ETC., PRESCRIBING A PEALTY THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section 1. FIRE IN PUBLIC PL"CES AND VACA4T LOTS. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to burn or cause to be burned an-,7 trash, luo'ber, leaves, paper, straw, brush, grass or any ot"-,Pr combustible material of any kind, or to i,indle a fire, or to furnish Llateric.l for a- fire, or in anv way to authorize or allow any fire to be made or in any menner to aid or assist in making any fire in any street, alley or other -public place, or on an- vacant lot in the - /1 ci ty of Little Rock, without first having obtained and having in full force and effect written permission to do so from the chief of the Fire Department. No permit shall be issued to kindle, build, maintain or use a fire within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, or within 2 j feet of any concrete curb or the surface of any permanent pavement, except for the r_zrnose of repairin,:;, removing or constructing the same. A fire kindled, built and maintained under a permit as herein �rovidled shall be continuously under the care and direction of a comretent adult from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished. Such burning shall be crone under such other pro-oer safeguards as the Chief of the Fire Department may prescribe. Section 2. FIRE ON OTHER PRIVATE PROPERTY. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person or persons to burn or cause to be burned out of doors an- hay , straw shavir_ -s, paper, leaves, trash or any other combustible material on any occu>>ied. lot within the limits of the cit;= of Little Rock, except in wire bas'Ieto or other fireproof re- ceptacles with prorer. cover. 3ec',1o!' . A.Y:',`,% ""erso`'1 who himself, or itself, or b-, his or its agent or erlployee, violate, an;= of the provisions o- this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fire of npt less than 735.00 or more than $25.00. Section 4. gill ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereb -\r rj�Jtdk1VErD and FILED APR I! 1982 JOHN L. KRLIMM, CITY auwar- s .M %�-- ., ­0 Section 5. By reason of the hazard to property occasioned by careless burning of trash, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its nassaue. XXXXXXMMIX Passed: April 29, 1932 1'Ittest : A- 11 Anrroved :