4985i, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ZOOLOGICAL PARK IN AND OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK TO BE KNOWN AS "FAIR PARK ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN "; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT, AND OR REGULATION OF SAID GARDEN; APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS FOR THE I`d,AIN- TENANCE THEREOF AS OUTLINED HEREIN; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL DF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Sec. 1. There is hereby established a public zoological garden in and of the city of Little Rock to be known as "Fair Park Zoological Garden" said garden being a part of what is now known as Fair Park. Sec. 2. The management, supervision, and expansion of the Fair Park Zoological Garden shall be and is hereby vested in the Board of Directors of the Fair Park Zoological Society which Board shall have a membership of not more than seven members, the jYlayor of the City of Little Rock, the Chairman of the Parks Committee of the City Council of the City of Little Rock, and the Superintendent of Parks of the City of Little Rock shall be members of said Board, the other members to be elected by the Fair Park Zoological Society. Said Board shall have full and complete control over the purchasing, feeding and care of all animals and specimens contained in said Zoological Garden together and with such other animals and specimens as may be hereafter acquired, whether by purchase, dona- tion, increase, or otherwise; the arrangement, erection, supervision, and maintenance of all buildings in said Garden, the employment and discharge of all employees necessary in the operation of said Garden except such employees of the City of Little Rock whose services may from time to time be loaned to the Society at their request and when approved by the Mayor. Sec. 3. The City of Little Rock agrees to provide funds for the payrolls of employees of the Garden, for the feeding of animals and specimens and necessary and proper utility charges, provided such expenditures shall be kept within the budget set up or deemed ad- visable by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Little Rock. Sec. 4. That all ordinances and or parts of ordinances only insofar as they conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed: JUL 11 M2 Attest Ci Ole Approved s mayor s